
Showing posts from February, 2022

sequential (48) chosen clock line (starting point and ending point)

Image . Ref:  . . . Me: Indeed, we can use it in this way. . if (commutator_a = true) // Interrupt line create a signal of 1,1,1 { Network serial communication = true; } else if (commutator_b = true) // Interrupt line create a signal of 0,1,1 { Internal serial communication = true; // I give you an example of internal serial communication . for (int i =0; i<10; i++) { Array k[i] = i; } } else if (commutator_c = true) // Interrupt line create a signal of 0,0,0 { Internal parallel communication = true; Parallel input syndronize chosen clock line  } ==

sequential (39) Tri State buffer

Image . Ref: . . John: Let me explain the above picture. When R0(0) output, it can be a parallel output or serial output. if it is a parallel output, R0(0) output to the parallel output line. if it is a serial output, R0(0) output to R0(1). . John: Do you see a circuit of tri state buffer? Me: Yes,. John: The function of the circuit of tri state buffer is. . If (parallel output control line = 1) { R0(0) parallel ouput. <--- the circuit of the tri state buffer is 1. } else if ( parallel output control line = 0 ) { R0(0) serial ouput. <--- the circuit of the tri state buffer is 0. } .

sequential (45) no realistic serial circuit (clock line)

Image . Ref: . . . John: This article ( ) mention about that there is no realistic serial circuit in the monde. . Me: OK. . John: You may read this article ( ).  . Me: OK. . John: Now, we look at the picture above. Which part is correct? . Me: Normally, the part of left hand side is correct. That mean, when the clock line is on Up cycle, Gate A and Gate B are on Up cycle. . John: You're wrong. The part of right hand side is correct too. . Me: That mean, when the clock line is on Up cycle, Gate A can be on Up cycle and Gate B can be on down cycle. . John: You're correct.

sequential (47) chosen clock line (starting point and ending point)

Image . Ref: . . . Me: R0(1),R0(2),R0(3),R0(4) form a register called register_a. John: This register has a starting point and an ending point. . If (the starting point and the ending point = 1,1,1) { Commutator_a = chosen. } else if (the starting point and the ending point = 0,1,1) { Commutator_b = chosen. } else if (starting point and ending point = 0, 0,0) { commutator_c = chosen; } else if (starting point and ending point = 0,0,1) { No commutator is chosen; // the status is mask - interrupt. } == You can read this articles.  . No matter it is parallel or serial input, the chosen clock line is at the Up cycle. .

sequential (52) Data bus line

Image . Ref: . . . . . John: Before we start, you may read these 3 articles. . 1) 2) 3)  .  . Me: OK. . John: OK. Look a the 2nd picture. We assume that Flip Fop 1, 2, 3, 4 choose the clock line of the system as the clock line. Then, what's the function of a clock line? Me: To control the clock input. John (shaking head): No, . The clock line has two functions. The first function is to control the clock line. The second function is a data transport. You may dub that as "A data bus line". Me: OK. John: Now, you may look at the 1st picture. The left hand side is register. The right hand side is Cache. . 1) When the data bus line is Up cycle, the register o

learning and teaching (15) Yemen aircrash . Ref: . Have a look.  . If the bishops Eucharistize, the followers should Eucharistize. . Have a look . . . Aircrash of Yemen. . 160 people died. . Bradley: Have a look. . Is it a church?? Charles: Yes, Bradley: Is our religion cult?? Charles: Yes, Bradley: Are we the bishops?? Charles: Yes, . Bradley suddenly stand up and say, "Excellent. . We murder 160 pagans. . What should the followers do??".

learning and teaching (32) (Alaska aircrash) . Ref: . John: Have a look. . . . If the bishop Eucharistize, what should the followers do? Me: Eucharistize too. John: Excellent. . Kelvin (an America's hackers): Look at the camera .  It hack the satellite of America. Don't you see the house of John??  <--- Kelvin should murder people. Mr. Leung (the department of land of Hong Kong): Very clear. However,  John may come to complain.  <--- Mr. Leung should murder people. Kelvin : No worry. When John come to complain about it. Your nose is up and you say, "I'm having lunch. . I don't have time to meet anyone". Mr. Leung : Are you sure? Kelvin: Yes,. .  . Bradley: Have a look .  . Is it a church? Charles: Yes,. Bradley

sequential (80) motor

Image . Ref: . . . 1) if the cicuit is induction-orientation circuit, the voltage lead the current. 2) if the circuit is capacitance-orientation circuit, the current lead the voltage. . . Me: What is induction motor ??It is magnetic. Therefore, its circuit is inductor-orientation. John: However, the current of the stator is lagged behind the voltage of the stator, and then, the rotor rotate slowly. Me: Therefore, we mut let the circuit become a capacitance-orientation circuit.. . Therefore , we add a justify capacitor on the wire of W. . John: We don't always add a justify capacitor on the wire of W. . Sometimes, we add a series of justify resistors, R1,2,3,4, on the wire of W. . . Note: R1,2,3,4 represents resisors 1,2,3,4 . Note:  1) After you add a resitors,  the magnetic flux of the stator drop, the current lead the voltage. 2) Afte

sequential (10) set/preset

Image . Ref: .   . When we register a register, when the register hasn't been input yet, we must set the register as either (Q=0 -Q=1) or (Q=1 -Q=0). . John: We can't let the register at the stage of toggling. . Now, I input 0 to clear and 1 to preset. . The status is that Q=0 -Q=1.

sequential (13) no realistic serial circuit (a counter)

Image . Ref: . . . John: Look at the first picture. Clock line is indeed the center tap. Me: OK. John: This clock line is shared by "the register of port A" and the "Counter" as well. Me: OK. John: Before we start, you may read this article ( ). It say that there is no realistic serial circuit in the monde. Me: OK. . ======== . John: There're 2 pictures above. Now, we look at the 2nd picture above. It is a counter.  It say if Q0,Q1,Q2 are high, FF4 toggle. However, FF4 will never toggle. Me: Why will FF4 never toggle? John: The clock-input for FF3 is forever "Down cycle", Q2 is forever low. How can FF4 toogle?  . 1) Normally, when the clock line is Up cycle indeed, the clock-input for FF3 is Up cycle.  2) However, in our case, the cl

sequential (26) interrupt

Image . Ref:  . . . John: This article ( ) mention about the difference between real interrupt and mask interrupt. You may read it first. . Me: OK. . John: Sometimes, we don't call it serial input clock line. Sometimes, we call it Thread clock line. . Me: OK. . John: You can compare the above 2 pictures. The first picture is that R0(1) is at the stage of Mask interrupt. The second picture is that R0(1) is on the process clock line. In code, we have  . If (condition = fit) { Windows drawing (); } . John: This article ( ) mention about  how  the  fields work .Or, we can intepret it in this way. . If condition isn't fit Subject[R0(1)] Interrupt status [Mask interrupt] Object [] . If Condition is fit. Subject [R0(1)] Inte

Learning and teaching (46) (india fire) . Ref: . John: Have a look . . If a bishop Eucharistize, what should the followers do? Me: They should eucharistize too. John: Terrific. . Mr. J is a friend of John . . One day, he is at the hospital. . . Kelvin (an America's hacker) : Look at this person. . He is Mr. J . He has close contact with John.  . Mr. Liu (a doctor from the public hospital of Hong Kong): How do you know? . Kelvin: I hack the satellite. I peep at John from the sky. I saw that Mr. J chat with John at the avenue. For sure, Mr. J has close contact with John.  . Mr. Liu: So? . Kelvin: So, y ou on behalf of me draft a letter of capitulation to Mr. J.  You tell Mr. J, " You are idiot. You better be imprisoned in a mental hospital ". <--- Kelvin should murder people. . Mr. L