sequential (80) motor


Ref: .



1) if the cicuit is induction-orientation circuit, the voltage lead the current.

2) if the circuit is capacitance-orientation circuit, the current lead the voltage.



Me: What is induction motor ??It is magnetic. Therefore, its circuit is inductor-orientation.

John: However, the current of the stator is lagged behind the voltage of the stator, and then, the rotor rotate slowly.

Me: Therefore, we mut let the circuit become a capacitance-orientation circuit.. . Therefore , we add a justify capacitor on the wire of W.


John: We don't always add a justify capacitor on the wire of W. . Sometimes, we add a series of justify resistors, R1,2,3,4, on the wire of W. . . Note: R1,2,3,4 represents resisors 1,2,3,4



1) After you add a resitors,  the magnetic flux of the stator drop, the current lead the voltage.

2) After you add a capacitor, the magnetic flux of the stator drop too, the current lead the voltage.

3) Actually, a capacitor is same as a resistors.. . If they are on the circuit of W, the current of the staor lead the voltage of the stator, therefore, the rotor rotate faster.
