sequential (52) Data bus line






John: Before we start, you may read these 3 articles.




3) . 


Me: OK.


John: OK. Look a the 2nd picture. We assume that Flip Fop 1, 2, 3, 4 choose the clock line of the system as the clock line. Then, what's the function of a clock line?

Me: To control the clock input.

John (shaking head): No, . The clock line has two functions. The first function is to control the clock line. The second function is a data transport. You may dub that as "A data bus line".

Me: OK.

John: Now, you may look at the 1st picture. The left hand side is register. The right hand side is Cache.


1) When the data bus line is Up cycle, the register output. (the clock line is down cycle)

2) When the data bus line is Down cycle, the cache is input. (the clock line is up cycle)

3) When the data bus line is Up cycle, the Cache output. (the clock line is down cycle)

4) When the data bus line is Down cycle, the modulator works and the register is input. (the clock line is up cycle)


John: Look at the 3rd picture. If we choose the system clock line, we choose the System modulator.

Me: If we choose the RJ45 clock line, we choose the RJ45 modulator.

John: Yes,. We have 2 modulators.
