sequential (78) motor . Ref: . . . Me: Braking is to let the motor move reversely. . T5,6,7,8 are transistors for braking a car. . In reality, we are not able to control the on/off of those transistors. . for (int i =1; i<5; i++) { if (T[i] = saturated) { T[i + 4] = cut-off; // as long as the integrated circuit sense that T1 is saturated, T5 must be cut-off } else { T[i+4] = saturated; } } . . John: When Transistor 5 is cut off, when we brake a car, this car can't brake immediately, because, the motor must slip over Resistor 5. . Me: When the motor slip over resistor 5, this motor needs 5 meters of slippery before it can halt. . When T5,6,7,8 are cut off, the motor need 20 meters of slippery before it can halt. When T5,6,7 are cut off, the motor need 15 meters of slippery before it can halt. When T5,6 are cut off, the motor need 10 meter...