
Showing posts from November, 2021

sequential (78) motor

Image . Ref: . . . Me: Braking is to let the motor move reversely. . T5,6,7,8 are transistors for braking a car. . In reality, we are not able to control the on/off of those transistors. . for (int i =1; i<5; i++) { if (T[i] = saturated)  { T[i + 4] = cut-off; // as long as the integrated circuit sense that T1 is saturated, T5 must be cut-off } else { T[i+4] = saturated; } } . . John: When Transistor 5 is cut off, when we brake a car, this car can't brake immediately, because, the motor must slip over Resistor 5. .  Me: When the motor slip over resistor 5, this motor needs 5 meters of slippery before it can halt. . When T5,6,7,8 are cut off, the motor need 20 meters of slippery before it can halt. When T5,6,7 are cut off, the motor need 15 meters of slippery before it can halt. When T5,6 are cut off, the motor need 10 meters of slipp

sequential (75) b - - Frequently used cache

Image . Ref:   . .   . Me: From the above picture, we have. . . L1 loop-back line, most frequently used. Xor gate of R4. . L2 Loop-back line, middle frequently used. Xor gate of R5, R1. . L3 Loop-back line, less frequently used. Xor gate of R2,R3 . John: It isn't fixed. .  . Me: No, it isn't. . When the usage of R1 become more frequent, the Xor gate of R1 will be transferred to the L1 loop-back line. . When the usage of R4 become less frequent, the Xor gate of R4 will be transferred to the L2 Loop-back line.

learning and teaching (26) (the explosion of Egypt) 2006 . Ref: . John: In America, there're plenty hackers. However, most of them are shits, piss, trash. The only hacker whom I respect most is Bradley. Indeed, I don't know whether his name is Bradley. I just assume that his name is Bradley.  . Me: Why do you respect him? . John: Have a look.  . After the explosion of Egypt, Bradley say "It is done by  Tawhid al-Jihad". Let me ask you a question. What sort of organization is Tawhid al-Jihad? Me: A sect. A cult. John: Excellent. That mean, the victims of the explosion die from terrorist's attack . Me: Correct. John: One day of 2014, my father is at the hospital. . Daniel (an America's hacker): Look at this person. He is John's father . You use the poison to kill him. . After that, you tell John "Your fat

sequential (67) fields

Image . Ref: . . . . Me: Look at it . Inside the Cache of Process's register, there 're 6 field. . Subject (Process's register) <-- The first round. . Xor gate result 's register need to check if there is a register called the process's register in the cache.. Role () Interrupt (system clock line) <--- Second round. . Xor gate put the process 's register on the system clock line Type of value (boolean) Object () value (0) <-- The first round. . Xor gate result 's register need to check if there is a value which is equal to 0. . . Assume that the value of Xor gate is 0 too. . Me: During the first round checking, the field of value is required to be compared. . If the field of value isn't required to be compared during the first round ch

learning and teaching (20) Paraguay fire

Image . Ref: . . John: Have a look. . . If the bishops eucharistize, what should the followers do? Me: They should murder the pagans too. John: Excellent. You may take a look at this article first. . . Daniel (an America's hacker): This camera hack the satellite of America. Through it, do you see that a person is chatting with John at the avenue ?? He is Mr. H . He is the neighbour of John. <---- Daniel should murder the pagans. Kelvin (another America hacker): How do you know ? <---- Kelvin should murder the pagans too. Daniel: I hack the telecom. . Through the physical address of the Sim card of this person, I know it. . One day, Mr. H drive a truck. .  Daniel (in Walkie-Talkie): Do yo

learning and teaching (70) (Chile fire) . . Ref: . John: Have a look . . . If the bishop eucharistize, what should the followers do ? Me: Eucharistize too. John: Excellent. . Kelvin: Yesterday, John try to repair a Modem. . However, he fail.  Miss Wong (a spy from Hong Kong):Why ?  <---- Miss Wong should go to murder pagans. Kelvin : Because, I hack the modem. . So, next time, when you see John, you ridicule him . You say, "What a stupid person who doesn't know how to repair a modem". <---- Kelvin should murder pagans. Miss Wong (a spy from Hong Kong): However, Bradley and Charles murder the pagans. We should murder the pagans. Kelvin: They're terrorists. Of course, they murder the pagans .  Miss Wong: Then, what're we? Kelvin: We're hackers. We never murder any pagan

sequential (2)

Image . Ref: . . . . John: The above picture is the cache with is shared by Bing and yahoo. . Me: Have a look . . Indeed, the operational principles is same as Telecom. . John: Some kind of Binding(key word, line of record). . Me: Correct. . . Note: Hackers can add a record in the cache of Telecom. . Why can't hackers add a record in the cache of Bing?? 

sequential (1) . Ref: . . . if (int i = int j ) { } . Me: How does anti-virus software work ??  John: How?? Me: If suddenly, the above program become the following,  . for (int i = 0; i< int j; i++) { } Me: The anti-virus software will alert you, the program is being hacked.  . . However, if the value of i or j is hacked, the anti-virus software won't alert you , the program is being hacked. . John: That mean, the anti virus software detect the mal-function of the program. . But, the anti virus software doesn't detect the changing of the value. . Me: Yes,

sequential (7)

Image . Ref:  . . . Pilot: When the airplane start flying, everything is Ok. But, after 15 minutes, it mal-function. . The mal-function take effect after 15 minutes. Why?? Me: A timer. Pilot: What is a timer ?? Me: A timer is how many Cycle . . .For example, after 200,000 cycle, the trick take effect. . 200,000 cycle is 15 minutes. . . if (time = up) { the trick take place; <-------- put the register on the system clock line. }

learning and teaching (53) France aircrash . Ref: . Have a look .  ..If the bishop Eucharistize, the followers should Eucharistize. . Have a look.  . . A France's airplane crashed. 120 people die. . Bradley: Have a look . . Is it a church?? Charles: Yes, Bradley: Are we the bishops?? Charles: Yes, Bradley: Is it a religious Jihad?? Charles: Yes, Bradley: If we Eucharistize, what should the followers do?? Charles: Eucharistize too. . Bradley stand up and say, "Excellent. . Now, we murder 160 pagans, what should the followers do??".

sequential (68) Line of power source (1)

Image . Ref: . . . John: There're 3 articles below. They're about "the chosen clock line". I guess you're better read them first. Me: OK. . 1) 2) 3) . John: After you read the 3 articles above, we may start now.  Me: OK. John: Now, look at the picture above. There is a register called register_power_source_chosen. Me: OK. John: If you're not sure what register is, you may read this article ( ) first. Me: OK. I've read it. John: I assume that power source 1 is "Battery" and power source 2 is AC to DC rectifier. Me: OK. John: This

learning and teaching (10) Brazil aircrash . . Ref: . Have a look . . If the bishops eucharistize, the followers should eucharistize too. . Daniel: Look at this camera which hack the satellite of America. . Do you see John standing at he park? <---- Daniel should murder people.  . Mr. Chan (a staff of the cultural and leisure department of Hong Kong): Yes, . Daniel: Good. . When you see John, you say to him in a mocking manner,"You're monitored by the America's satellite . . Don't get angry ". . Mr. Chan: In this way, we humiliate John. <---- Mr. Chan should go to murder people. . Daniel: So what ?. . . . Bradley (an America's hacker): Have a look . . It's a church of cult. . We're bishops. .

learning and teaching (3) (Ukraine aircrash) . Ref: . John: Have a look. . . If a bishop Eucharistize, what should the followers do? Me: Eucharistize too. John: Excellent. . John: Have a look . .Last time, I use Youtube. In the input box, I input "Chinese video". . When the SQL statement enter server of Youbube,  Daniel  change the statement into "Select Chinese and Japanese". . Daniel : Ok, When you see John, you gloat over, "Do you enjoy Japanese video ??" . <--- Daniel should murder pagans. Mehdi (a spy from Morroco): gloat ?   <--- Mehdi should murder pagans. Daniel : Yes,. . Mehdi: If Bradley is murdering the pagans, we should murder the pagans. Daniel: Bradley is terrorist. Of course, h

learning and teaching (51) (india fire) . Ref: . John: Have a look . . . If the bishop Eucharistize, what should the followers do? Me: They should eucharistize too. John: Excellent. . Have a look . .. Bing and Yahoo share the same Cache. Me: OK. John: Read the followings. . Kelvin (an America's hacker): John use Bing for searching. . We ridicule him. <--- Kelvin should murder people. Mehdi (a spy from Morroco): How do we ridicule him?? <--- Mehdi should murder people. Kelvin: I hack the Cache of Bing and  let the result of Bing appear strange in front of John. Mehdi: And then?? Kelvin: And then, if you see John, you say to him, "Oh! What a pity. . The result of Bing is strange" . . Bradley: Have a loo