sequential (68) Line of power source (1)
John: There're 3 articles below. They're about "the chosen clock line". I guess you're better read them first.
Me: OK.
John: After you read the 3 articles above, we may start now.
Me: OK.
John: Now, look at the picture above. There is a register called register_power_source_chosen.
Me: OK.
John: If you're not sure what register is, you may read this article ( first.
Me: OK. I've read it.
John: I assume that power source 1 is "Battery" and power source 2 is AC to DC rectifier.
Me: OK.
John: This is the principles of hacking (
Me: I assume the binary of battery is 011 and the binary of AC to DC rectifier is 010.
John: OK.
Me: Hackers change 011 to 010. That mean hackers change the power source from AC to DC rectifier to "Battery".
John: Correct. That mean hackers change the chosen line of power source.
Me: Look at the followings.
Subject [Register_power_source_chosen]
Interrupt [010] <--- Originally, it is 011
Object []
Value []
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