
Showing posts from January, 2022

sequential (12) preset clear

Image . Ref: . There're 5 conditions on which left or right shift doesn't work. . 1) The latch is being preset and clear. 2) The latch is feedbacking. 3) The latch is being level-trigger. 4) The flip flops is at the stage of toggling. 5) The commutator is idle. . No up cycle. . No down cycle. . . . John: Now, we mention condition_1. . That mean, presetting and clearing.  Presetting and clearing are independent from the clock line. That mean, . 1) The clock line is at the up cycle. . I can preset and clear it. 2) The clock line is at the down cycle. . I can preset and clear it. . . Note: Left or right shift are based on triggering. . Triggering is based on clock line. . If no clock line is involed, there is no triggering, consequently, there is no left or right shift.

learning and teaching (55) The explosion of Kenya (1998) . Ref:   . John: Many people employ a "Maid" to do the cleaning, cooking and laundry jobs for them. Therefore, they have time to focus on their own jobs. However, have you ever seen a Buddhist monk employing a "Maid"? Me: No, I haven't.  Because, cleaning, cooking and laundry is part of the spiritual practice of a buddhist monk. If a buddhist monk employ a "Maid" to do the cleaning, cooking and laundry job for them, this buddhist monk disrespect his religion. . . John: Correct. . 1998, there's an explosion in Kenya ( ). Bradley say "It is done by Islamic extremists.". Let me ask you a question. What sort of organization is Islamic extremists? Me: A religious group. John: Excellent. That mean we're on beha

sequential (11)

Image . Ref:   . . . This picture is a NPN mosfet. .  If hacker change the positive into negative, and , change the negative into positive, this NPN will become PNP. . John: Can hacker do that ?? Me: If hacker does that, hacker must hack your machine, instead of hacking the network. . .I guess, hacker is able to do that.

learning and teaching (5) london rail crash . Ref: .  . Have a look . . . . If the bishops eucharistize, what should the followers do?? They should eucharistize too. . Kelvin (an America's hacker): This package is special. When you eavesdrop on someone, it can remove noise. Listen, John talk to his client. His client said , "I don't need your service. .You are always late". . Do you want to mock at John? If yes, you call John. You pretend to be a potential client. You say to John, "Ha, Ha, Ha, I am an easy -going client. I don't mind your lateness". <--- Kelvin should murder people. . Miss Ho (a spy from Hong Kong): I'm scared. Kelvin: No worry. . You just ridicule John.  It's a great chance for you to learn the hacker's techniques. <--- Miss Ho should m

learning and teaching (13) Uganda fire 700 people died . Ref: . John: Have a look . . If the bishops eucharistize, what should the followers do? Me: They should eucharistize too. John: Excellent. . . John: Last time, I talk to my friends on the phone. .I said " Simbotics is good ". It is Just chat. . Simbotics is a brand-name of a drug .But, this chat is eavesdroped on by Daniel, an America's hacker. You guess what happen? Me: What? . Daniel (an America's hacker): Yesterday, I hacked the telecom . I eavesdrop on John. . I hear that John say to his friend, "Simbotics is good". .So, tomorrow , You soliloquize in the media. " Simbotics is shit ". You Impersonate me. <--- Daniel should murder pagans. Victor(a spy from Hong Kong): I'm scared. <--- This person should go to murder pagans. K

learning and teaching (60) (Swiss aircrash) . Ref: .  . Have a look . .  . . If the Bishop Eucharistize , the followers should Eucharistize too. . . Kelvin (an America's hacker): John doesn't know that it is me who eavesdrop on his phone-call . Tomorrow, John will go to the police station to complain about the matter of being eavesdrop .  <---- Kelvin should murder the pagans. . Mr. Lam(a spy of Hong Kong): So? <---- Mr. Lam should murder the pagans. . Kelvin: So, tomorrow, you go to the police station. You impersonate me. . You appear in front of John. You say to John "I am Hackers".  . Mr. Lam: Why do I do that? . Kelvin: We make fun of John. . . . Albert (the bishop of the church of Yandelism): Have a look .

sequential (40) the function of a modulator (3)

Image . Ref: . . . John: Before we start, you may read this article ( ). This article say that a tri state buffer is useless. Me: OK. John: OK. We start now. Look at the picutre above. There're 4 lines. They're parallel input and output line for registers. And, they're parallel input and output line for cache. The process is that. . === 1) When the oscillator is Down cycle, R1 output to parallel output line. ===== 2) When the oscillator is Up cycle, R1 enter the parallel input line of Cache. And then, R1 enther C1. . Note: C1 is a cache. ===== 3) When oscillator is Down cycle, C1 enter the parallel output line of Cache. ====== 4) When oscillator is Up cycle, C1 enter the gate of the modulator. And then, enter the parallel input line of register. And then, enter t

learning and teaching (37) ( Azerbaijan fire )

Image . . Ref: . . John: Have a look. . . If the bishop eucharistize, what should the followers do? Me: Eucharistize too. John: Excellent. I don't always use Iphone. Becuase, my eyes aren't good. Sometimes, I use the traditional cellur phone like the picture above. . . . Daniel: Sometimes, John use the traditonal cellur phone like the picture above. <--- Daniel should murder the pagans. Kelvin (an America's hackers): So what? I have a hacker's package. I press the button. The information of those traditional cellur phone will mess up. If you don't believe, I show it to you   <--- Kelvin should murder pagans. Daniel: Better not. Bradley and Charles murder the pagans. We must murder the pagans too. Kelvin: Bradley and Charles are terror

learning and teaching (54) (Korea aircrash)

Image . . Ref: . . Have a look . . If the bishops eucharistize, the followers should eucharistize. . It happen in the year of 2008 . Kelvin: Look at this camera . . I hack the satellite of America. Do you see the house of John?? <---- Kelvin should murder people. Mr. Tong (an officials of the government of Hong Kong): Yes, I do see it . However, it's just the roof of John's house. <---- Mr. Tong should murder people too. Kelvin: You're wrong. . Don't you know that the earth is round???  . Kelvin click a button. . The camera shift from satellite 1 to satellite 3. . Kelvin: Look. . Now, can you see the windows of John's house. Mr. Tong: Clearly. Kelvin: It's satellite 3. . . Now, I click another button. . The picture is enlarged. . . We can even see

learning and teaching (52) (Congo arms depot explosion) . Ref: . Have a look . . . If the bishop eucharistize, the followers should eucharistize too. . Kelvin (America's hacker) : Through my map of hacking, I can see that  John is moving to the exit of the car park. . So, y ou sit at the chair of the exit of the car park. . When you see John passing by, you stand up and stare at him unfriendly. <---Kelvin should murder people. Donald (a spy of Hong Kong): We humiliate John.  <---- Donald should go to murder people . Kelvin: Never mind. It's a great chance for you to learn how to hack the telecom. . . Charles: Have a look . . It's the church of cult. . We're the bishops. . Now, we murder 210 people. . What should Kelvin and Donald do??