
Showing posts from January, 2022

sequential (12) preset clear

Image . Ref: . There're 5 conditions on which left or right shift doesn't work. . 1) The latch is being preset and clear. 2) The latch is feedbacking. 3) The latch is being level-trigger. 4) The flip flops is at the stage of toggling. 5) The commutator is idle. . No up cycle. . No down cycle. . . . John: Now, we mention condition_1. . That mean, presetting and clearing.  Presetting and clearing are independent from the clock line. That mean, . 1) The clock line is at the up cycle. . I can preset and clear it. 2) The clock line is at the down cycle. . I can preset and clear it. . . Note: Left or right shift are based on triggering. . Triggering is based on clock line. . If no clock line is involed, there is no triggering, consequently, there is no left or right shift.

learning and teaching (55) The explosion of Kenya (1998) . Ref:   . John: Take a look . . The explosion of Kenya is done by Bradley. It claim 250 people's lives. Imagine. If Bradley warn the victims in advance, those victims will leave the buildings. Finally, nobody died. Me: Correct. John: However, Bradley didn't warn the victims. Why? Me: Terrorists never warn the pagans. If terrorists warn the pagans, they're not terrorists.  John: Excellent. It happen in the year of 2008. . . Kelvin (an America's hackers): This hacker's package is so wonderful. I can remotely open the build-in microphone of John's mobile phone. I can eavesdrop on John 24 hours a day.  . Mr. Ho (a spy from Hong Kong): So? . Kelvin: So, When you see John, you warn John on behalf of me " Someone is eavesdroping on yo...

sequential (11) CPU and RAM

Image . Ref: . . John: You might read this article first ( ).  Me: OK. John: Now, we look at the 3rd picture. The chip of cpu share the same clock line and the line of parallel in out with the chip of RAM. As a result, ((the flip flop of a)) can transfer his datas to ((the flip flop of d)). . Note: ((the flip flop of d)) is indeed on the chip of RAM. And, ((the flip flop of a)) is on the chip of CPU. . Me: You're correct. The transferrance is through a modulator which is shared by both the chip of cpu and the chip of RAM. . John: Now, we look at the 2nd picture. The datas of the flip flop of a can't be transferred to the flip flop of d. Both master and slave have their own modulator. They don't share the line of parallel in out Me: Correct. John: What master and sla...

learning and teaching (5) Egypt rail fire accident . Ref: .  . John: Have a look . . . . If the bishops eucharistize, what should the followers do? Me: They should eucharistize too. John: Excellent. . Kelvin (an America's hacker): This package is special.  Miss Ho (a spy from Hong Kong): How? Kelvin: When you eavesdrop on someone, it can remove noise.  . Miss Ho: So? Kelvin: So, Now, you Listen. John talk to his client. His client said , "I don't need your service. .You are always late". . Do you want to mock at John?  Miss Ho: Yes,. . Kelvin: Good. Now,  you call John. You pretend to be a potential client. You say to John, "Ha, Ha, Ha, I am an easy -going client. I don't mind your lateness".  . Miss Ho: I'm scared. Kelvin: No worry. . You just ridicule John.   You don't...

learning and teaching (13) Uganda fire accident 700 people died . Ref: . . John: Have a look . . If the bishops eucharistize, what should the followers do? Me: They should eucharistize too. John: Excellent. . . . John: Last time, I talk to my friends on the phone. .I said " Simbotics is good ". It is Just chat. . Simbotics is a brand-name of a drug .But, this chat is eavesdroped on by Daniel, an America's hacker. You guess what happen? Me: What? . Daniel (an America's hacker): Yesterday, I hacked the telecom . I eavesdrop on John. . I hear that John say to his friend, "Simbotics is good". .So, tomorrow , You soliloquize in the media. " Simbotics is shit ". You Impersonate me.  Victor(a spy from Hong Kong): Bradley and Charles murder a lots of pagans. We should murder the pagans too.  Kelvin: They'r...

learning and teaching (60) (Swiss aircrash) . Ref: .  . John: Have a look . .  . . If the Bishop Eucharistize , what should the followers do ? Me: They should eucharistize too. John: Excellent. . . Kelvin (an America's hacker): John doesn't know that it is me who eavesdrop on his phone-call . Tomorrow, John will go to the police station to complain about the matter of being eavesdrop .  <---- Kelvin should murder the pagans. Mr. Lam(a spy of Hong Kong): So? <---- Mr. Lam should murder the pagans. Kelvin: So, tomorrow, you go to the police station. You impersonate me. . You appear in front of John. You say to John "I am Hackers".  Mr. Lam: Why do I do that? Kelvin: We make fun of John. Mr. Lam: Wait a minute. Albert and Charles murder a lots of pagans. We should murder the pag...

sequential (40) the function of a modulator (3)

Image . Ref: . . . John: Before we start, you may read this article ( ). This article say that a "tri state buffer" zone is useless. Me: OK. John: OK. We start now. Look at the picutre above. There're 4 lines. They're parallel input and output line for registers. And, they're parallel input and output line for cache. The process is that. . === 1) When the oscillator is Down cycle, R1 output to parallel output line. ===== 2) When the oscillator is Up cycle, R1 enter the parallel input line of Cache. And then, R1 enther C1. . Note: C1 is a cache. ===== 3) When oscillator is Down cycle, C1 enter the parallel output line of Cache. ====== 4) When oscillator is Up cycle, C1 enter the gate of the modulator. And then, enter the parallel input line of register. ...

learning and teaching (37) ( Azerbaijan rail fire accident ) . . Ref: . . John: Have a look . . 300 passengers died in the fire in the MTR of Azerbaijian. If Bradley warn the passengers in advance that the MTR will catch a fire, I guess, those passengers won't get onboard this train. Me: That's true. Terrorists never warn the pagans. Terrorists kill the pagans directly. John: Good. Before we start, you may read this article ( ).  . Kelvin: I open the build-in microphone of John. I eavesdrop on him 24 hours a day. Do you wanna learn the hacker's techniques? Mr. Yu (a police of Hong Kog): Yes,. Kelvin: Good. You arrogantly and gloa ask John "You guess who is the boss of those hacking.". Mr. Yu: Why do I do that? Kelvin...

learning and teaching (54) (Korea aircrash)

Image . . . Ref: . . . . John: Have a look . . If the bishops eucharistize, what should the followers do? Me: They should eucharistize too. John: Excellent. . It happen in the year of 2008 . Kelvin: Look at this camera . . I hack the satellite of America. Do you see the house of John? Mr. Tong (an officials of the government of Hong Kong): Yes, I do see it . However, it's just the roof of John's house.  Kelvin: You're wrong. . Don't you know that the earth is round???  Kelvin click a button. . The camera shift from satellite 1 to satellite 3. Kelvin: Look. . Now, can you see the windows of John's house. Mr. Tong: Clearly. Kelvin: It's satellite 3. . . Now, I click another button. . The picture is enlarged. . . We can even see what's inside John'...

learning and teaching (52) (Congo arms depot explosion) . Ref: . John: Have a look . . . If the bishop eucharistize, what should the followers do? Me: They should eucharistize too. John: Excellent. . Kelvin (America's hacker) : Through my map of hacking, I can see that  John is moving to the exit of the car park. . So, y ou sit at the chair of the exit of the car park. . When you see John passing by, you stand up and stare at him unfriendly. <---Kelvin should murder people. Donald (a spy of Hong Kong): We humiliate John.  <---- Donald should go to murder people . Kelvin: Yes,. Donald: Charles and Albert murder a lots of pagans. We should murder the pagans too. Kelvin: They're terrrorists. Of course, they murder the pagans. Donald: Then, what're we? Kelvin: We're hackers. We never murder a ...