learning and teaching (55) The explosion of Kenya (1998)



Ref: https://wodewangzhishime.blogspot.com/2022/01/one-day-leopold-holding-bottle-of.html 


John: Many people employ a "Maid" to do the cleaning, cooking and laundry jobs for them. Therefore, they have time to focus on their own jobs. However, have you ever seen a Buddhist monk employing a "Maid"?

Me: No, I haven't. Because, cleaning, cooking and laundry is part of the spiritual practice of a buddhist monk. If a buddhist monk employ a "Maid" to do the cleaning, cooking and laundry job for them, this buddhist monk disrespect his religion.


John: Correct. . 1998, there's an explosion in Kenya ( https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1998_United_States_embassy_bombings ). Bradley say "It is done by Islamic extremists.". Let me ask you a question. What sort of organization is Islamic extremists?

Me: A religious group.

John: Excellent. That mean we're on behalf of the heavenly God . We are never on behalf of any earthly person. Because, a heavenly God is sacred. And, an earthly person is secular.

Me: Correct.

John: It happen in the year of 2008.




Kelvin (an America's hackers): This hacker's package is so wonderful. I can remotely open the build-in microphone of John's mobile phone. I can eavesdrop on John 24 hours a day. So, When you see John, you warn John on behalf of me "Someone is eavesdroping on you. I won't tell you who is eavesdroping on you." . .Note: That person who eavesdrop on John refer to Kelvin.


Mr. Ho (a spy from Hong Kong): Wait a minute.


Kelvin: What?


Mr. Ho: Read this article ( https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Riyadh_compound_bombings  ). Terrorists never warn the pagans. Terrorists kill the pagans directly. The explosion of Saudi Arabia claim 40 people's lives. If the culprit of the explosion of Saudi Arabia "had" warned the pagans, no pagans would die in the explosion. Therefore, I "shouldn't" "warn" John.


Kelvin: We're not terrorirsts. We're hackers. Therefore, you can warn John.


Mr. Ho think for a while and say,


Mr. Ho: You're better warn John yourself.


Kelvin: You're my "Maid". You help me to do so, so that, I have time to focus on my jobs.


Mr. Ho: Focus on your jobs? What's your jobs?


Kelvin: Hacking.


Mr. Ho: Hey! Warning john is part of a Buddhist Monk's spiritual practice. As a buddhist monk, you can't employ a "Maid" to do that for you. If you employ a "Maid" to do that for you, you disrespect Buddhism.


Kelvin : Do you wanna learn how to hack a mobile phone? 


Mr. Ho: Yes, I do wanna learn it.


Kelvin: Excellent, you're my "Maid". You just warn john on behalf of me. I promise you that after you warn John on behalf of me , I will teach you how to hack a mobile phone.


Mr. Ho think for a while and say,


Mr. Ho: Do you know that Yandelism is a religion? 


Kelvin: I do know that.


Mr. Ho: If Yandelism is a religion, I can only be on behalf of the heavenly God. Because, the heavenly God is sacred. You're just an earthly person. You're secular. How can I be on behalf of you?


Kelvin: Then, do you wanna learn how to hack a mobile phone ?


Mr. Ho: Yes, I do wanna learn it.


Kelvin: Excellent. You're my "Maid". You warn John on behalf of me. So that, I have plenty times to focus on my own job.


Mr. Ho: I still hestitate. Bradley murder the pagans. As a pious disciple, I should murder the pagans too.


Kelvin: Bradley is terrorist. Of course, Bradley murder the pagans.


Mr. Ho: Then, what're we?


Kelvin: We're hackers. We never murder any pagans.



Bradley: Have a look. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2002_Bali_bombings . We kill 210 pagans. Why don't Kelvin and Mr. Ho kill the pagans ?


Charles: Kelvin say they are hackers. Therefore, they don't murder any pagans.


Bradley: That mean You and me are terrorists who kill the pagans. Kelvin and Mr. Ho are hackers who don't kill the pagans.


Charles: Yes,.


Bradley: Yandelism is a religion. Warning John is part of Kelvin's spiritual practice, why did Kelvin employ a "Maid"?.


Charles: He doesn't respect Yandelism.


Bradley: How do we handle a person who disrespect the church of the Yandelists ?


Charles: Murder them.
