
Showing posts from August, 2021

sequential (-10) . . Ref:   . . while (Mysql server is running) { MYSQL Web Socket () // Hackers implant an electronic virus (0111.1100.0000.1010.0000.1111.0111.1100.0000.1010.0000.1111.) on the server. { Function Session ("IP", "user name", "password") } } . Me: What does function session  (ip, user_name,password) mean ?? John: It mean, . if (ip != "") { if (user_name !="") { if (password !="") { build up a session or cookie (); } } } . John: Hackers change the function session ("ip", "user_name", "password") into function session ("ip"); . That mean, . if (ip != null) { build up a session or cookie (); }

sequential (84) motor

Image . Ref: . . Let me explain the above picture. . In railway, we use conical wheels . . The characteristics of conical wheels are that when the train is turning left, the periphery of the left-wheel become smaller and the periphery of the right-wheel become larger. . John: The right-wheel must rotate faster.. . However, how does the train know that the right-wheel should rotate faster ?? Me: At the shaft drive, there is a balancing sensor which detect the turning of a train. . . If (sensor detect train left-turn = 20 degree) // Note: It it sensed by the sensor . . We can't manually change it. { The increase of the speed of the right-wheel = 10; // Note: The increase of the speed of the right-wheel is controlled by the integrated circuit. We can't manually controll it. The decrease of speed of the left-wheel = 10; // Note: We can'

learning and teaching (21) Russia night club fire . Ref: . . Have a look . . . If the bishop eucharistize, the followers should eucharistize too. . Have a look . . . One day, I used a transformer to charge the battery on a mobile phone . . . Note: It isn't an Iphone's battery. . It's just a normal phone's battery. . .  . In New York, there's a church which worship the religion of Yandelism, the idea of which is that hacker's tool is to murder people. . One day, Kelvin undertake a professor's obligation. . He stand straight at the podium of the lecture hall of the church of Yandelism.  . 1) It's false. . Kelvin can't undertake a professor's obligation. Kelvin must undertake a priest's obliga

learning and teaching (44) (a rope)

Image . Ref:   . . . . John: Eucharist.  . Me: If the bishops eucharistize, as a pious disciple, what should we do? John: Eucharistize too. Me: Excellent. . The definition of "hostage" is that we use a kind of weapon to threathen a person, and then, we kidnap him. And, this weapon is easily gotten by the public, e.g. a knife, a gun ,a rope. . Daniel (an America's hacker): I remotely open the build-in microphone of John. I 24 hours eavesdrop on John. Whatever I heard, I report to you. <--- Daniel should murder the pagan. Mr. Lee (an officials of the government of Hong Kong): 24 hours. <---- Mr. Lee should murder the pagans. . Daniel: Why not? John is a hostage. . Mr. Lee think for a while and say, . Mr. Lee: Hostage ? The definition of hostage is that we use a

sequential (3) . Ref: . . 1) There are 2 type of memory. . 2) One is static memory 3) One is dynamic memory. 4) Memory is just a register. . 5) If this register is rewritable, it is dynamic memory. 6) If this register is just readable, it is static memory. . Me: For example, the "session" of PHP. It is a rewritable register. .However, hackers change it into a register of Read-only. . Afterwards, nobody can log into the web site. . 

learning and teaching (65) ( 5 loaf and 2 fish) . Ref: . . . John: After the incident of 911, Bradley say that it is done by Al Qaeda. Why? Me: Because, Al Qaeda is a religious group. John: Excellent. That mean, the weapons of the church of the Yandelists belong to our heavenly God. Those weapons don't belong to any earthly human beings. Me: Correct. John: If we use the weapons of the church again and again, unavoidably and eventually, those weapons become our personal wealth rather than the wealth of our heavenly God. Me: Good. John: Why did the airplane crash into the world trade center instead of the ocean? Me: Because Bradley knows that if he use the weapons again and again, unavoidably and eventually, those weapon become his personal wealth rather than the wealth of our heavenly God. Therefore, Bradley just use the weapon for one times only.  Me: One times only? John: Yes,. As a pious

sequential (-5) . Ref: . Me: In stock exchange, 100 stock/10 buying= $10, 100 stock /100 buying= $1 John: Stock is a static memory. . Buying is a dynamic memory either. . While (stock exchange is running) { Dynamic stock = 100; Dynamic buying ; Socket value () { Dynamic Value = stock/buying; } } 1) There are 2 type of memory. .One is static . . One is dynamic . 2) Memory is just a register. .If this register is read and write, it is dynamic memory. If this register is read-only, it is static memory. When a register is writable, we call it dynamic memory. .Else, we call it static memory . . Me: Hackers change the (dynamic memory) (buying) into a (static memory) (buying). As a result, the register is read-only.  . John: And then, a natural phenomenon become a man-made phenomenon. . Me: If this register is read-only, a parallel input is not available, nor is a seri

learning and teaching (28) Korea fire . Ref: . Have a look. . . . A club of Korea was on fire . 60 people die. . Charles (an America's hackers): Have a look. . . . Why did Kelvin hack John?? Albert (another America's hackers): Kelvin said, he is a professor. Charles (perplexed): A professor. . Then, who is Daniel?? Albert: Daniel is a dearest student. Charles (stunned): A dearest student?? Then, who is John?? Albert: An example being hacked. Charles (silent): An example being hacked?? Then, what's this reunion?? Albert: A lecture. Charles (confused): A lecture. . Then, how does Daniel feel?? Albert: Daniel feel that it is educational and deityless. Charles (dumb): Educational and deityless ?? Then, what's the applicat

learning and teaching (14) Indonesia aircrash . Ref: . John: Have a look. . If the bishop eucharistize, what should the followers do ? Me: Eucharistize. John: Excellent.  . Kelvin (an America's hackers): This camera of satellite hack the  satellite of America. . .Do you see that John is standing by the window of a supermarket.   Ok, tonight, you go to this supermarket and break the windows of it.  . <---- Kelvin should murder people. Mr. Biao:  I'm scared. . I destroy the public facility. <---- Mr. Biao should murder people.  Kelvin: Do you murder people??  No, You don't murder anybody. . . Bradley: Have a look . . . . Is it a church of cult? Charles: Yes. Bradley:  We are the bishops.   Charles: Yes,  Bradley : Now,  we murder 100

learning and teaching (4) - (hacking explosion) - Mumbai 2006 . Ref: . Have a look. . . If a bishop Eucharistize, the followers should Eucharistize. .  . Have a look . .200 people died in a train explosion in Bombai   . Bradley: Have a look . . Is it a church?? Charles: Yes, Bradley: Is our religion cult?? Charles: Yes, Bradley: Are we bishops?? Charles: Yes, Bradley: If we Eucharistize, what should the followers do?? Charles: Eucharistize too. . Bradley stand up and say, "Excellent. . Now, we murder 200 pagans. . What should the followers do??"

sequential (83) motor

Image . Ref:  .  . .  John: When a train is forwarding slowly at the junction during a rail-switch, if hacker break-into the control house, yes, there will be an accident, however, the accident won't be tragedy. Me: Because, the train is forwarding slowly. John: Correct. . The faster the train is forwarding, the more tragedy the accident.