learning and teaching (44) (a rope)



Ref: https://wodewangzhishime.blogspot.com/2021/07/brain-wash.html 





John: Eucharist. https://wodewangzhishime.blogspot.com/2021/10/httpswodewangzhishime_52.html .

Me: If the bishops eucharistize, as a pious disciple, what should we do?

John: Eucharistize too.

Me: Excellent.


The definition of "hostage" is that we use a kind of weapon to threathen a person, and then, we kidnap him. And, this weapon is easily gotten by the public, e.g. a knife, a gun ,a rope.


Daniel (an America's hacker): I remotely open the build-in microphone of John. I 24 hours eavesdrop on John. Whatever I heard, I report to you. <--- Daniel should murder the pagan.

Mr. Lee (an officials of the government of Hong Kong): 24 hours. <---- Mr. Lee should murder the pagans.


Daniel: Why not? John is a hostage.


Mr. Lee think for a while and say,


Mr. Lee: Hostage ? The definition of hostage is that we use a kind of weapon to threathen a person, and, kidnap him. And, this weapon is easily gotten by the public, e.g., a gun, a rope, a knife. Only you possess a hacker's package which remotely open the build-in microphone of John's mobile phone . How can John be hostage?


Daniel: John isn't a hostage. However, do you wanna learn how to hack the Apple Iphone ?


Mr. Lee (drool): I do wanna learn it.


Daniel: Excellent. You please me and say in the media " Only Daniel is able to kidnap. Only Daniel have this hacker's pacakge.   ".


One day, Ivan is so angry. He pat on the desk top and say,


Ivan: Is the hacker's package which Daniel use to remotely open the build-in microphone of John's mobile phone "easily" gotten by the public ?


Bradley: No, it isn't.


Ivan: How can John be hostage?


Bradley: John isn't a hostage.


Ivan: Then, why does Daniel hack John?


Bradley: Daniel hack John , because, Daniel wanna  teach Mr. Lee how to hack the Apple Iphone.


Ivan: How do we handle Daniel and Mr. Lee?

Bradley: Murder them.
