sequential (84) motor




Let me explain the above picture. . In railway, we use conical wheels . . The characteristics of conical wheels are that when the train is turning left, the periphery of the left-wheel become smaller and the periphery of the right-wheel become larger.


John: The right-wheel must rotate faster.. . However, how does the train know that the right-wheel should rotate faster ??

Me: At the shaft drive, there is a balancing sensor which detect the turning of a train.



If (sensor detect train left-turn = 20 degree) // Note: It it sensed by the sensor . . We can't manually change it.


The increase of the speed of the right-wheel = 10; // Note: The increase of the speed of the right-wheel is controlled by the integrated circuit. We can't manually controll it.

The decrease of speed of the left-wheel = 10; // Note: We can't manually decrease the speed of the left-wheel. .The decrease of the speed of the left-wheel is done by the integrated circuit.


Increase + decrease = 20; // Serious traffic accident is due to it.




Me: Have a look . .A German train isn't switching the rail. . A German train is simply turning a curve. . It derail . .

John: The train lose its balance.

Me: The integrated circuit lose connection with the balancing sensor.

John: Indeed, the balancing sensor still exist. . Just only, the Integrated circuit lose the connection with it. . Consequently ,the German train swing, "left and right" 
