learning and teaching (21) Russia night club fire accident

Ref: https://wodewangzhishime.blogspot.com/2021/11/httpswodewangzhishime_10.html
John : Have a look . https://wodewangzhishime.blogspot.com/2021/10/httpswodewangzhishime_52.html . If the bishop eucharistize, the followers should eucharistize too.
Me: OK.
John: One day, I used a transformer to charge the battery on a mobile phone. Note: It isn't an Iphone's battery. It's just a normal phone's battery. Suddenly,  the battery explode.  That day, Kelvin undertake a professor's obligation. He stand straight at the podium of the lecture hall of the church of Yandelism. 
1) It's false. . Kelvin can't undertake a professor's obligation. Kelvin must undertake a priest's obligation.
Kelvin: My dearest students. . During this lecture, I use John's phone's battery as an example. . I hack the power plant of Hong Kong. . I change the alternate current into a long down cycle wave. . . I let John's phone's battery explode.. . How do you feel about this study's lecture ??
1) It's false. . They can't be dearest students. . They must be the most pious disciples.
2) It's false. . John isn't an example. . John must be a pagan.
3) It's false. . Hacker's tool is to murder people, rather than education.
Daniel (one of a student): This study's lecture is educational and deityless.
1) It's false. . It must be religious and spiritual.
2) It's false. . It can't be a study's lecture. . It must be an evangelistic sermon.
Charles: Have a look . https://wodewangzhishime.blogspot.com/2021/09/httpswodewangzhishime_35.html . Why did Kelvin hack John??
Albert: He said, he taught his students how to hack the power plant??
Charles (perplexed): Teaching?? How did his students feel??
Albert: Very educational and deityless.
Charles (silent): Eduational and deityless?? So, what's the obligation of Kelvin??
Albert: Professor's obligation.
Charles (confused): A Professor's obligation ?? Then, what's John??
Albert: An example of hacking.
Charles (anxious): An example?? Then, what's this reunion?
Albert: A study's lecture . . . 
Charles (fiery): A study's lecture..
Albert determinately stand up and pat on the table's top severely and scream loudily, "Tomorrow, notice the BBC News. . 160 club's patrons died".
