sequential (-5)
Ref: .

Me: In stock exchange, 100 stock/10 buying= $10, 100 stock /100 buying= $1
John: Stock is a static memory. . Buying is a dynamic memory either.
While (stock exchange is running)
Dynamic stock = 100;
Dynamic buying ;
Socket value ()
Dynamic Value = stock/buying;


1) There are 2 type of memory. .One is static . . One is dynamic .

2) Memory is just a register. .If this register is read and write, it is dynamic memory. If this register is read-only, it is static memory.

When a register is writable, we call it dynamic memory. .Else, we call it static memory .
Me: Hackers change the (dynamic memory) (buying) into a (static memory) (buying). As a result, the register is read-only. 
John: And then, a natural phenomenon become a man-made phenomenon.
Me: If this register is read-only, a parallel input is not available, nor is a serial input setting available. .
