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sequential (-9)

Image . Ref: . 1) There are 2 types of system bus. . 2) One is the bus of datas. . 3) One is the bus of I/O . . . . Me: The address on the bus of datas are random. But, the address on the bus of I/O are specific. Specific address is dangerous. .Because, they are easily discovered by hackers. For example, (Integar money) is a register. . This register is on the bus of datas . .But, which location of the bus of datas ?? . You don't know that. . .Because, the location isn't specific. . The location is random.

learning and teaching (59) (Australia fire)

Image . Ref: . . John: See . . If the bishop Eucharistize , what should the followers do? Me: They should eucharistize too. . Kelvin (an America's hacker): I use a hacker's package to remotely open the build-in camera of John's notebook. <---- Kelvin should murder the pagans too. Mr. Lam (a spy from Hong Kong): Why do you do that ? <---- Mr. Lam should murder the pagans too. Kelvin: I'm gonna add a function of  Camera's Permission in the platform of microsoft.  . Mr. Lam: Wait a minute. Mate. Bradley say that we should genocide as many pagans as possible. Kelvin: Killing the pagans is Bradley's own business. It isn't our business. Mr. Lam: Killing the pagans isn't our business. Kelvin: No, it isn't. . . Bradley: Have a look

learning and teaching (56) (( India )) fire . Ref: . Have a look . . . If the bishop eucharistize, the followers should eucharistize too. . Have a look. .  A fire which claim  500 people lifes in India. . . Bradley: Have a look . .Is it a church?? Charles: Yes, Bradley: Is our religion cult?? Charles: Yes, Bradley: Are we Bishop?? Charles: Yes, Bradley: If we Eucharistize, what should the followers do?? Charles: Eucharistize too. . Bradley stand up and say, "Excellent. . Tomorrow, 500 people will die in India. . What should the followers do??"

learning and teaching (6) (Brazil fire) . Ref: . Have a look . . . If the bishop eucharistize, the followers should eucharistize too. . if (John's email) { Send to the email-address of the receiver(); Send to the email-address of Daniel (); <---- Hacker's tool is to murder people rather than privacy infringement. } Else { Send to the email-address of the receiver(); } . Kelvin (an America's hacker): I hack the Gmail of John. . I find that John send an email of application of employment to your company .  So, when John come to interview, you ridicule John by saying, "You wanna join our company ??? We 're not interested in employing you". .. <----- Kelvin should murder people. Miss Wong (a staff from this company): Better not . Hacking is illegal.  <---- Miss Wong sh

learning and teaching (24) A fire in Uganda (700 people died) . Ref: . John: Have a look . . . If the bishops eucharistize, what should the followers do ? Me: Eucharistize too.  John: Excellent.  Mr. Ng is my neighbour. Mr. Ng is my friend too.  One day, Mr. Ng is at the hospital of Hong Kong. You guess what happen? Me: What? John: Read the followings. . Daniel (an America's hacker): Look at this person. . He is Mr. Ng. . He has close contact with John. He is on the black list. Mr. Chong (a doctor from the public hospital of Hong Kong): How do you know that he has close contact with Johh ? Daniel: I hack the satellite of America. I peep at John from the sky. I saw that Mr. Ng chat with John at the avenue. Of course, I know that. Mr. Chong: So, what am I gonna do? Daniel: You approach Mr. Ng. . You soliloquize in fron

learning and teaching (9) Uganda Fire (700 people pass away) . . Ref: . John: Have a look . . . If the bishop eucharistize, what should the followers do? Me: Eucharistize. John: Excellent. It happen in the year of 2008. . Kelvin (an America's hackers): This hacker's package can hack the server of MSN messenger.  Mehdi (a spy from Morroco): Can it? Kelvin: Yes,. Mehdi: Can you demonstrate to me? Kelvin: For sure. . Kelvin click a button. The contact's list of the account of John disappear in the server of MSN messengers. . Kelvin: Look at it. The contact's list of the account of John disappear in the server of MSN messenger. Do you praise me? Mehdi: I praise you. However, Yandelism is a "sect". Here's a church.   . Kelvin: So what? Mehdi (feeling scared): So what? Albert and Charles are the bi

sequential (96) voltage long down cycle

Image . Ref:   . . . Some of the household appliance use alternate current only. .  But, some of the household appliance use direct current. .    The above picture shows you that the alternate current enter a Diodes of your household appliance. .  And then, this diode rectify the alternate current . .  Afterwards, the alternate current become direct current. .  Finally, the direct current goes into an integrated circuit of your household appliance. . . . Note: Integrated circuit is called Chip as well. .  . . . John: I have a fan which is controlled by an integrated circuit. .Yesterday, hackers hack the power plant of Hong Kong. . And then, hackers change the alternate current into a long "down cycle". . .As a result, the Chip of this fan, is off for a while, and then, is on for a while.For more details , see,

learning (61) - (hacking explosion) Congo arms depot

Image . Ref: . . Have a look . . If the bishop eucharistize, the followers should eucharistize too. . Have a look . . Congo arms depot blast and killed 206 people . Charles (an America's hackers): Have a look .  .Is it a church of cult. Alert: Yes, Charles: Are we the bishops?? Albert: Yes, Charles: If we eucharistize, what should the followers do?? Albert: They should eucharistize too. . Charles: Excellent. . Now, we murder 200 people. . What should the followers do??

sequential (86) RJ45 Port C Port D

Image . Ref:   . . . John: I explain the 1st picture. When Port D is outputing, Port C is with the status of being input. Me:OK. John: Look at the 2nd picture. When Port C is outputing, Port D is with the status of being input.

sequential (-6)

Image . Ref: . . Me: In microsoft, there isn't any real port . . In Microsoft, t here is a "register". . I call it register_a; If value of register_a is 1) 0101 , it represent the port of apache.  2) 0000 , it represent the port of Internet explorer. .  3) 1111 , it represent the port of Mysql.   . John: That mean, they are not real input/output port. . They are virtual port under register_a. Me: Yes, It is dangerous. . Originally , the value of the register_a is 0101 which represent the virtual port of internet explorer. .  Suddenly, hacker change 0101 into 1111. .Consequently, it become the virtual port of Mysql. John: The connection which is based on the memory of register_a  is called  virtual connection.

sequential (-11) . . while (a machine is running) { socket teller machine() // { Dynamic m = (how much money); if (input == m){ teller machine output (m); } } } There're 2 status of a registers. .  One is the status of read-only. .  One is the status of (read and write). . Me: Hackers change a (read and write) status into a (read-only) status . . 1) A teller machine check how much money we input first.  2) And then, the machine output an amout of money which we input. . 1) Dynamic m = (How much money) is a dynamic memory. 2) Hacker change the Dynamic m into a Static m.  3) As a result, no matter how much money we request, the output is still 100 dollars.

learning and teaching (57) (the explosion of Belgium) 2016 . Ref: . . . John: There're plenty hackers in America. Sadly, most of them are shits, trash and piss. . Me: OK. . John: The only hacker whom I respect most is . Bradley. . Me: Why do you respect him? . John: After the explosion of Belgium ( ), Bradley say in a high profile manner that the explosion is done by Islamic state. Let me ask you a question. What sort of organization is Islamic state? . Me: A religious group. . John stand up and hand clap and say, . John: Excellent. That mean, we are on behalf of the God . We are not on behalf of  any earthly man. . Me: True. An earthly man is vulgar. On the contrary , a heavenly God is sacred.  . John: Marvellous. It happen in the year of 2014. . . Kelvin (an America's hacker): Look at this person. He is John's father.  . Mi

Learning and teaching (66) (Russia night club fire) . Ref: . Have a look . . . If the bishop eucharistize, the followers should eucharistize too. . Have a look. . .   A night club of Russia was on flame .  150 club patrons were murdered.  . . Charles (an America's hacker): Have a look. . Kelvin said, he is a professor. Albert (another America's hacker): No, he must be a priest. Charles: Kelvin said, John is an example being hacked. Albert: No, . .John must be a pagan being massacred. Charles: Daniel said, it is educational and atheism. Albert: No, . .It must be spiritual and religious. Charles: Kelvin said, it is a lecture. Albert: No, . . It must be a sermon. Charl

learning and teaching (16) The explosion of the Port of Tian Jin, China (180 pagans pass away) . Ref: . . John: Have a look, . ( ) .  When the bishops eucharistize, as a pious disciple, what should we do? Me: Follow-suit. John: Excellent. During Sunday, we come to the church. Why? Me: Eucharist. John: What does Eucharist signify? Me: We purify our mind and dedicate our wealth to our church. John: We are always a dedicator. Me: Yes, . We are never a beneficiary.  Take a look at these 2 articles. . 1)  . . 2) . Mehdi (spy from Morroco): Hacking the Gmail of John is boring. Kelvin (an America's hacker): Why? Mehdi: See his profile. ( ). Daniel hack the bourse and let R