learning and teaching (59) (Australia fire accident 200 people die)
Ref: https://wodewangzhishime.blogspot.com/2021/10/httpswodewangzhishime_97.html
John: What's the heavenly obligations?
Me: To genocide as many pagans as possible.
John: Can the heavenly obligations be making fun of anybody?
Me: No,.
John: Take a look at it . https://chihaukam.blogspot.com/2024/10/blog-post_52.html . The matter isn't over yet.
Kelvin: Your obligation has finished. Tomorrow, you go back to Morocco. <---- Kelvin should fullfil the heavenly obligation of genociding the pagans.
Mehdi (Morocco's spy): What obligation have I finished ? <---- Mehdi should fullfil the heavenly obligation of genociding the pagans.
Kelvin: The obligation of "making fun of John".
Note: The heavenly obligation of the church of the Yandelists is to genocide the pagans, not making fun of John.
Mehdi: I have not killed any pagans.
Kelvin: Never mind. Oh! Before you go back to Morocco, you put a public notice on the door of this spy company.
Mehdi: What does the public notice say?
Kelvin: The public notice say "The obligation has finished. The spy company is closed".
Bradley: Have a look . https://chihaukam.blogspot.com/2023/08/lately-theres-news-that-door-of.html . Is it a church?
Charles: Yes,.
Bradley: Is our religion a cult?
Charles: Yes,.
Bradley: Are we the bishops?
Chalres: Yes,.
Bradley: Marvellous. Now, we murder 200 pagans. What should Kelvin and Mehdi do ?
Charles: They should murder the pagans. . However, they don't.
Bradley: Why don't they murder the pagans?
Charles: They say "their" obligation is to make fun of John. They say "their" obligation isn't to genocide the pagans.
Bradley: How do we handle them?
Charles: Murder them.
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