learning and teaching (59) (Australia fire)



Ref: https://wodewangzhishime.blogspot.com/2021/10/httpswodewangzhishime_97.html



John: See . https://wodewangzhishime.blogspot.com/2021/10/httpswodewangzhishime_52.html . If the bishop Eucharistize , what should the followers do?

Me: They should eucharistize too.


Kelvin (an America's hacker): I use a hacker's package to remotely open the build-in camera of John's notebook. <---- Kelvin should murder the pagans too.

Mr. Lam (a spy from Hong Kong): Why do you do that ? <---- Mr. Lam should murder the pagans too.

Kelvin: I'm gonna add a function of Camera's Permission in the platform of microsoft. 


Mr. Lam: Wait a minute. Mate. Bradley say that we should genocide as many pagans as possible.

Kelvin: Killing the pagans is Bradley's own business. It isn't our business.

Mr. Lam: Killing the pagans isn't our business.

Kelvin: No, it isn't.



Bradley: Have a look .https://chihaukam.blogspot.com/2023/08/lately-theres-news-that-door-of.html . Is it a church?

Charles: Yes,.

Bradley: Is our religion a cult?

Charles: Yes,.

Bradley: Are we the bishops?

Chalres: Yes,.

Bradley: Marvellous. Now, we murder 200 pagans.  What should Kelvin and Mr. Lam do ?

Charles:  They should murder the pagans. . However, they don't.

Bradley: Why don't they murder the pagans?

Charles: They say they're software developers.

Bradley: That mean we're terrorists who kill the pagans , and then, they're software developers who never kill any pagans.

Charles: Yes,.

Bradley: How do we handle them?

Charles: Murder them.

