
Showing posts from December, 2021

Sequential (69) No realistic serial circuit

Image . Ref: . . John: This article ( ) use chemistry to explain that there is no realistic serial circuit in the monde. Now, we use electronics to explain that there is no realistic serial circuit in the monde. . Me: OK. . John: Look at the picture. When the Message wave is at the Up cycle, the carrier wave is at (Up-and-Down) cycle. . Me: That mean, during "one" up cycle of the message wave, there're 1000 (Up-and-Down) carrier wave. . John: You're correct.

learning and teaching (8) America night club fire . Ref: . Have a look . . . If the bishop eucharistize, the followers should eucharistize too. . Daniel  (an America's hackers): According to my hacker's map, John is leaving the car park. .  So, You ambush behind the wall of the exit. .When John pass by, you stand up and stare at him. <--- Daniel should murder people. Richard (a spy from Hong Kong): We humiliate John. <---- Richard should go to murder people. Daniel: So what?? Do you wanna learn hacker's techniques?? Richard: Yes,. . Albert: Have a look. . . It's a church of cult. . We're the bishops . . We murder 100 people. . What should Daniel and Richard do?? Charles: Murder people too. . However, they don't.

learning and teaching (29) (Lybia aircrash) . Ref: . John: Have a look . . . If the bishop Eucharistize, what should the followers do? Me: They should eucharistize too. John: Good. . Eddy (a spy from Hong Kong): You remotely open the build-in microphone of John. .You 24 hours eavesdrop on John. . However, if John goes out, if John doesn't bring his Iphone, you can't trace him. <---- Eddy should murder people. Kelvin (an America's hackers): Who say that?? I still can use the camera of satellite to trace him. .  Eddy: OK. . Now, where is John now?? Kelvin: Now, John is at the pier. . If you don't believe, you can go to the pier to have a look. <---- Kelvin should murder people. . . . Bradley: Have a look.  . It's a church of cult. . We are bishop

sequential (76) motor

Image . Ref:   . . . Rotor resistance is used to safely "brake" a car. .  The lower the Rotor resistance, the speed of maximum torque is higher. [  It is dangerous to brake a train which is moving forward at a high speed. . That mean, the rotor resistance of the reverse-moving motor must be high, otherwise, it is dangerous. . ] . The higher the Rotor resistance, the speed of maximum torque is lower. [  If a train is moving forward rapidly, the resistance of the "reverse-moving" must be high, otherwise, it is dangerous. .  ] . Me: The above picture is divided into 2 parts. . Upper part is a motor which is moving forward. . The lower part is a motor which is braking. . . Note: Braking of a motor , means, a motor is moving reverse. .  . Me: If a motor is moving forward rapidly, is it "safe" to let

learning and teaching (38) (Turkey aircrash)

Image . Ref: . . John: Have a look . . . If the bishop Eucharistize, what should the followers do ? Me: Eucharistize too. John: Terrific.. . 1) If there's no blood-shed or if there is little blood-shed, the bishop may request the disciple to pretend to be a fool. . 2) If there's large blood-shed, the bishop won't request the disciple to pretend to be a fool. . Me: If there's large blood-shed, what will the bishop request the disciple to do? John: If there's large blood-shed, the bishop request the disciple to kill the pagans. . . John: Last time, I tell the police of Hong Kong that those doctors and nurse of the public hospital of Hong Kong are spies. . You guess what happen ??  Me: What?? . Daniel (an America's hacker) : Don't panic. You

sequential (6) . . Ref: . There's a register called Write_in_database; Mov Write_in_database, temporary_1 <---- Temporary_1 is a buffer zone. . Mov Write_in_database, temporary_first. <----- Hackers establish a buffer zone called temporary_first . . . Me: Stock exchange is more artificial than presidential election.  Because, betting rely on timing.   It means, the datas are in in the buffer zone. They aren't written into the hard disk yet.  . John: If hackers establish another buffer . For example, temporary_first . . Temporary_first is an extra buffer zone where data being  written into the hard disk is earlier than the temporary_1; . Me: It is unfair. It makes hackers always earlier than the others to buy and sell the stock.

learning and teaching (41) (Congo arms depot explosion) . Ref: . . John: Have a look . . . If the bishop eucharistize, what should the followers do? Me: Eucharistize too. John: Good. Mr. E is the friend of my sister.  One day, Mr. E is at the hospital. . Kelvin: Look at this person. . He is Mr. E.   He has close contact with John's elder sister.  Mr. Yao (a doctor from the public hospital of Hong Kong): How do you know? Kelvin: I eavesdrop on the phone-call of John's sister. Can I make a mistake? Mr. Yao: No, you can't. Kelvin:  I hack the database of the social welfare department of Hong Kong. . I find that Mr. N rely on social welfare . Now, y ou stand besides Mr. E's bed, and soliloquize, "What a (shit) person who rely on social welfare". Mr. Yao: Bradley and Charles murder the pagans.

learning and teaching (40) (( London )) fire . Ref: . Have a look . . . If the bishop eucharistize, the followers should eucharistize too. . Have a look, .  . 2017, a building of London was on flame. 72 people were murdered. . Bradley (an America's hackers): Have a look. .  . . Is  It a church?? Charles: Yes, Bradley: Is our religion a cult ?? Charles: Yes, Bradley: Are we the bishops?? Charles: Yes, Bradley: If we eucharistize, what should the followers do?? Charles: They should eucharistize too. . Bradley: Good, now we murder 80 people,  What should the followers do??

learning and teaching (23) Paraguay fire . Ref: . John: Have a look . . . If the bishop eucharistize, what should the disciples do? Me: Eucharistize too. John: Excellent. . Daniel (an America's hackers): This camera hack the satellite of America.  It's very meticulous .   Do you see the cigarette soot of John ?? . Yes, you do see that. . So, You go to the spot and post a warning notice there, "Smoking is prohibited".     <--- Daniel should murder pagans. Mr. Yao  (a staff from the leisure and cultural department of Hong Kng)  : Bradley and Charles murder the pagans. We must murder the pagans too. <---- Mr. Yao should go to murder pagans. Daniel: They're terrorists. Of course, they murder the pagans. Mr. Yao: Then, what are we? Daniel: We're hackers. Bradley (an America

learning and teaching (11) (france aircrash) . Ref: . Have a look.  . If a bishop Eucharistize, the followers should Eucharistize  . John: It happen in the year of 2007. . Kelvin: Look at the camera . . It hack the satellite of America. . Do you see the house of John?? <---- Kelvin should murder people. Mr. Yeung (the police of Hong Kong): Yes  . <---- Mr. Yeung should murder people. Kelvin (whisper): Don't you know that what we're doing will irritate the family of John. Mr. Yeung: I know that. Kelvin: You should be vigilant. . John's  elder brother will come to complain. . .Then, what do you do?? Mr. Yeung: I will say to John's elder brother that, " Hacking is a country's policy. . And, it is inconvenient for me to response to you ". .  . Bradley: Have a look.  http

sequential (77) Smoothing capacitor

Image . Ref:   . . . Me: The above picture is an electrical induction. . .There is a "break" between each electrical induction. . John: If there is a break, the direct current isn't continuous. . Me: Correct. .  The direct current isn't continuous. . John: So, we need a smoothing capacitor. .  .  Me: Smoothing capacitor store the power by charging himself. . . When there is a break between two inductions , the smoothing capacitor release a power by discharging himself . . Me: So, on the lines, the direct current is always continuous and no break . . John: Correct. . However, if the break is too long, if the capacitor doesn't have enough storing power, the break can't be filled. . Me: As a result, the direct current can't be continuous , and, there is a break. . John: Take a look at this article. https://wodewangzhishime.blogspot