learning and teaching (25) (Yemen aircrash)



Ref:   https://wodewangzhishime.blogspot.com/2021/09/httpswodewangzhishime_83.html

John: Have a look. https://wodewangzhishime.blogspot.com/2021/10/httpswodewangzhishime_52.html . If the bishop eucharistize, what should the followers do?

Me: They should eucharistize too.

John: Excellent. Let me ask you a question.

Me: Go ahead.

John: What does telephone number of redirection mean?

Me: I don't know.

John: Take a look. https://wodewangzhishime.blogspot.com/2021/07/dickhead-vs-spy.html .

Me: OK.

John: I just assume the telephone number of the police station is 12345678.

Me: OK.



Daniel (an America's hackers) : Tomorrow, John will dial 12345678. 
You represent me to answer his phone call. <---- Daniel should murder people.
Mr. Luan (a police of Hong Kong): What will I talk to him?? <---- He should go to murder pagans.
Daniel: Whatever you want. . And then, the phone call will be redirected to the physical address of my SIM Card. 
Mr. Luan (a police from Hong Kong): Oh! It's amazing. 
Daniel: Amazing?
Mr. Luan: Yes,. Can you teach me how to redirect the phone call.
Daniel: I promise you that after you do what I request, I will teach you how to redirect the phone-call.
Mr. Luan: Are you sure?
Daniel: I'm pretty sure.
Mr. Luan: However, I still have a question.
Daniel: Say that.
Mr. Luan: Bradley and Charles murder plenty pagans. We should murder the pagans too.
Daniel: Are you insane? Bradley and Charles are terrorists. Of course, they murder the pagans.
Mr. Luan: Then, what're we?
Daniel: We're hackers. We don't murder any pagan.
Bradley (the bishops): Have a look .https://chihaukam.blogspot.com/2023/08/blog-post_23.html . It is a church. . Our religion is cult. . We're bishops. . Now, we murder 200 pagans. . What should Daniel and Mr. Luan do??
Charles (another bishops): They should murder pagans too. . However, they don't.
Bradley: Why don't they murder the pagans.
Charles: They say they are hackers. They don't murder the pagans.
Bradley: How do we handle them?
Charles: Murder them.
