learning and teaching (35) The shooting of Turkey (2017) swiss aircrash



Ref: https://wodewangzhishime.blogspot.com/2021/07/httpswodewangzhishime_26.html .


John: Have a look. https://wodewangzhishime.blogspot.com/2021/10/httpswodewangzhishime_52.html.   If the bishop Eucharistize , the followers should Eucharistize too.

Me: OK.

John: There're plenty hackers in America. However, all of them are shits, piss and trash. The only hackers whom I respect is Bradley. Why? Because, after the shooting of Turkey (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Istanbul_nightclub_shooting), Bradley say in high profile that it is done by Islamic state. What sort of organization is Islamic state?

Me: A religious group.

John: Excellent. That mean here is a mighty God on the heaven. Here isn't any mighty man on the earth.

Me: Yes,.



It happen in the year of 2008.


if (John send)


send to receiver email address ();

send to Kelvin email address (); <---- Kelvin add an extra code here.




send to the receiver email address ();



Kelvin: Look at those extra code. Whichever email which John send out, there is a copy which is sent to my account. Am I the mighty man on earth?

Mr. Yao (a legal person in Hong Kong): I don't dare to say that you're a mighty man on earth.

Kelvin: Why not?

Mr. Yao: Here's a mighty God on the heaven. Here isn't any mighty man on earth.

Kelvin: Who say that here's a mighty God on the heaven and here isn't any mighty man on earth.

Mr. Yao: Bradley say that.

Kelvin: When did Bradey say that.

Mr. Yao: After the shooting of Turkey, Bradley say that it is done by Islamic state. Islamic state is a religious group. Of course, here is a mighty God on the heaven. Here isn't any mighty man on earth.


Kelvin shake his head, and then, look at the sky for a while, and then, say,


Kelvin: Com on ! Mate. I treat you as my mate. You should listen to me. You shouldn't listen to Bradley.

Mr. Yao: Why shouldn't I listen to Bradley?

Kelvin: The God is on the heaven. How can you learn the hacker's techniques from him? Terefore, here isn't any mighty God on the heaven. Here is a mighty man on earth.

Mr. Yao: Who is the mighty man on earth?


Kelvin point to his nose and say arrogantly,


Kelvin: Me. . You can learn the hacker's techniques from me. I'm the mighty man on earth.

Mr. Yao: However, the church of the Yandelists isn't a University. The church of the Yandelists is a church. I come to the church. I listen to the sermon. I don't come to the church to learn any hacker's techniques.


Kelvin: Yandelism isn't a religion. Here isn't any church.

Mr. Yao: Are you sure?

Kelvin: I'm pretty sure.


Albert: Have a look . https://wodewangzhishime.blogspot.com/2021/10/httpswodewangzhishime_11.html . Is it a church?

Charles: Yes,.

Albert: Is our religion a cult?

Charles: Yes,.

Albert: Are we the bishops?

Charles: For sure.


Albert: Excellent. Now, we murder 240 pagans, what should Kelvin and Mr. Yao do??

Charles: They should murder the pagans. However, they don't.

Albert: Why don't they murder the pagans?

Chalres: They say Yandelism isn't a religion. Here isn't a church. Here isn't any mighty God on the heaven. Here is a mighty man on earth. He is Kelvin. And then, Mr. Yao can learn the hacker's techniques from Kelvin.


Albert: How do we handle them?

Charles: Murder them.
