learning and teaching (39) (Oklahoma explosion)



Ref: https://wodewangzhishime.blogspot.com/2021/12/battlefield-backlines-discriminating.html .


In the army, even if a soldier is willing to murder people, he is disallowed. . Becuase, he is not authorized. .


However, In a sect, as long as the disciple is willing to murder the pagans, this disciple is always welcome. . Becuase, it's God's willing .


John: In the army, authority is important.

Me: However, is authority important in a sect ?

John: No, authority isn't important in a sect.

Me: In a sect or a cult, as long as the disciples are willing to kill the pagans, those disciples are always welcomed.



if (John search word)


send to John ();

send to Daniel (); <----- Daniel, an America's hacker, add an extra code here.




send to user();



Daniel (an America's hacker): I add a code on the server of google search . . I find that John search the words of "String split of C++" .  Tomorrow, you pass by John and soliloquize, "What a Stupid person you're . Don't you know how to  split string in C++ ??". <--- Daniel should murder the pagans.

Mr. Zheng : It doesn't sound good. Bradley and Timothy murder a lots of pagans. Why don't we murder pagans?? <---- Mr. Zheng should murder pagans.

Daniel: It is a division of army. Even if a soldier is willing to murder the pagans, this soldier is not authorized. 

Mr. Zheng: A division of army?

Daniel: Yes,.

Mr. Zheng: It isn't a sect?

Daniel: No, it isn't.


Mr. Zheng: So, what are we authorized to do?

Daniel: We're authorized to make fun of John.


Mr. Zheng: We're authorized to make fun of John. We're not authorized to murder the pagans. Are you sure?

Daniel: I'm pretty sure.


Bradley: Have a look . https://kamchihau.blogspot.com/2022/08/httpskamchihau_56.html . . Is it a division of army where killing the pagans must be authorized ?

Timothy: No, it isn't.

Bradley: Then, what is it??

Timothy: It's a sect . Killing the pagans is God's willing .

Bradley: As long as a disciple is willing to genocide the pagans, those disciples are warmly welcomed.

Timothy: Correct.


Bradley: However, Daniel and Mr. Zheng never murder a single pagan. Why?

Timothy: They say it is a division of army.


Bradley: How do we handle them?

Timothy: Murder them.
