learning and teaching (27) The gun shooting in Connecticut
Ref: https://wodewangzhishime.blogspot.com/2021/11/httpswodewangzhishime_88.html
John: There're plenty hackers in America. However, all of them are shits, piss and trash. The only hacker whom I respect always is Bradley.
Me: Bradley? Bradley kill many pagans. He doesn't deserve the respect of us.
John: Doesn't Bradley deserve ? You make a mistake.
Me: Mistake?
John: For sure. Read this arcitle ( https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sandy_Hook_Elementary_School_shooting ) first. And then, read the following.
Bradley: Look at this camera. It hack the CCTV of the school. How do you feel?
Adam: I feel good.
Bradley: I demonstrate to you how to use this hacker's package. I'm in great trouble. Why? Other disciples of the church of the Yandelists will suspect that I'm gonna teach you how to make this hacker's packages.
Adam: So, what'm I gonna do?
Bradley: Here are two choice. The first choice is that you go to the school to kill those pagans immediately. That mean you're a killer on behalf of God . You're not a student of the university who is learning a knowledge .
Adam: What's the second choice?
Bradley: The second choice is that you lie to other disciples of the church that you are the potential buyers of the hacker's package in the commercial market . That mean you're not a student of unviersity who is learning a knowledge. Which one do you "select" ?
No hesitation. Adam reply,
Adam: I select the first choice. I'm on behalf of the God. I immediately go to genocide the pagans.
Bradley: Why?
Adam: To avoid from being a teacher or student, we immediately genocide the pagans on behalf of the God.
Bradley: It is the best choice.
Adam: It isn't the best choice only, but also the "Sole" choice.
Bradley: Allah Akbar. [ https://chihaukam.blogspot.com/2024/01/chapter-17-of-bible-said-hackers-tool_22.html . ]
John: Here's a car in front of me. Now, I get onboard this car. Am I learning some knowledge?
Me: It depends.
John: Does it depend ?
Me: Yes,.
John: Can you give me an example?
Me: Yes, . One day, Mary visit a show of car in New York. A salesman persuade Mary "You guys get onboard this car of demonstration. And then, you guys tell me how you feel.". Is Mary gonna learn a knowledge?
Me: What sort of knowledge?
John: For example, the knowledge of making a car.
Me (shaking head): In this case, "Not". Mary is just a potential buyers in the commercial market.
John: Mary doesn't intend to learn any knowledge.
Me: Mary doesn't intend to.
John: Why?
Me: It is a show of car "anyway". It is a commerical market. Mate. How can it be a university?
John: Excellent. Now, I change the story.
Me: How do you change?
John: In the university, the professor persuade his students "You guys get onboard this car of demonstration. And then, you guys tell me how you feel". Let me ask you a question.
Me: Go ahead.
John: In this case, are those students the potential buyers in the commercial market ?
Me (shaking head): No, . In this case, those students aren't the potential buyers in the commercial market.
John: In this case, what're they?
Me: It is a university. It isn't a show of car. Don't you know that?
John: I know that.
Me: They're students. They are learning a knowledge.
John: What sort of knowledge?
Me: For example, the knowledge of how to make a cars.
John: Who is the teacher?
Me: Of course, the professor is the teacher. This teacher is gonna teach his "dearest" students how to make a car.
John: Dearest students?
Me: For sure.
John: Let me tell you a real story. However, this story is "God-Damn" sad. Do you wanna hear?
Me: Why not?
John: One day, Kelvin hack the telecom and Kelvin steal the physical address of my SIM Card. You guess what "sad thing" happen?
Me: What "sad thing" did happen ?
Kelvin: Look at this hacker's map. It's based on the physical address of the SIM card of John. It hack the telecom. Do you see that John is walking from a shopping mall to his home? How do you feel?
Mr. Tsang (an officials of the government of Hong Kong): I feel very good.
Kelvin: OK. You say to your colleagues that you'e a potential buyers of the hacker's map in the commercial market.
Mr. Tsang: Commercial market? Potential buyer?
Kelvin: Why not?
Mr. Tsang think for a while and response,
Mr. Tsang: Why don't I say that I'm a student of the university honestly?
Kelvin: Honestly ?
Mr. Tsang: Yes,.
Kelvin: If you honestly say that you're a student of the university, "definitely" you will be suspected that you're learning a knowledge. For example, learning how to make a hacker's map.
Mr. Tsang: Honestly, I'm really learning how to make a hacker's map. Haven't you known that?
Kelvin: Yes, I have known that.
Mr. Tsang: Then, why should I be dishonest ?
Kelvin is so angry. He pat on the desk top, and, scream,
Kelvin: Are you insane? If you fail to lie, you and me are in great trouble.
Mr. Tsang think for a while and say,
Mr. Tsang: Don't be so angry.
Kelvin: I can't but be angry.
Mr. Tsang: To avoid from being suspected, Adam on behalf of the God go to the spot to kill the pagans immediately. You must know that.
Kelvin: For sure. I know that.
Mr. Tsang: To avoid from being suspected, I should on behalf of the God go to the spot to kill John immediately.
Kelvin: Kill John immediately ?
Mr. Tsang: Why not? John is a pagan. John is same as those victims in the gun-shooting in Connecticut of America.
Kelvin: Calm down. Man.
Mr. Tsang: I can't calm down.
Kelvin: Listen to me. Calm down.
Mr. Tsang: Immediately killing John is the "Sole" and "Best" choice.
Kelvin take a deep breath and say,
Kelvin: Take it easy ! Man. To avoid from being suspected, "immediately" on behalf of the God going to the spot to kill John isn't the "Sole" choice.
Mr. Tsang: Then, what is the alternatives?
Kelvin: To avoid from being suspected, maybe, you "simply" say that you're the potential buyers of the hacker's map in the commercial market.
Mr. Tsang: "Maybe" ? "Simply" ? However, I'm lying.
Kelvin: You just lie.
Mr. Tsang: Are you sure?
Kelvin: I'm pretty sure.
Bradley (the bishop of the church of the Yandelists): Have a look. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sandy_Hook_Elementary_School_shooting . To avoid from being suspected, as a pious disciple, what did Adam do?
Charles (another bishops of the church of the Yandelists): Adam immediately went to the spot and kill the pagans on behalf of the God.
Bradley: On behalf of the God killing the pagans immediately is the best choice.
Charles: It isn't the best choice only, but aslo the "sole" choice.
Bradley: The "Sole" choice.
Charles: The "Sole" choice.
Bradley think for a while and say,
Bradley: However, Mr. Tsang response in the manner of tongue stammering " Maybe, I'm simply the buyers of the hacker's map in the commerical market. Maybe, I'm not the student of the university. Maybe it is a commericial market. Maybe it isn't a university. ".
Charles: "Maybe"?
Bradley: Yes, "Maybe".
Chalres: Tongue of Mr. Tsang is stammering.
Bradley: Yes, . Tongue is stammering.
Charles: Mr. Tsang is secretly and sneakingly learning how to make a hacker's map.
Bradley: Secretly? Sneakingly?
Charles: Yes, sneaking and secret.
Bardley: However, Mr. Tsang pretend that he isn't a learner of hacker's techniques.
Charles look at the sky and take a deep breath and then say,
Charles: If Mr. Tsang isn't the learner of the hacker's techniques, the "sole" choice for him is to immediately on behalf of the God kill the pagan, eg, John.
Bradley: Sole choice?
Charles: Sole choice and also a "best" choice.
Bradley: The tongue of Mr. Tsang is stammering. Mr. Tsang secretly and sneakingly learn how to make a hacker's map.
Charles: How do we handle a secret and sneaking learner of hacker's techniques?
Bradley: Murder them.
Charles: How do we handle a person whose tongue is stammering? <---- Note: In this case the person whose tongue is stammering refer to Kelvin and Mr. Tsang.
Bradley: Same thing. We kill them.
Charles: Allahu Akbar. https://chihaukam.blogspot.com/2024/01/chapter-17-of-bible-said-hackers-tool_22.html .
Bradley: Allahu Akbar.
Charles: When do we murder them?
Bradley: Now.
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