learning and teaching (73) 5 loaf 2 fish (the fire accident of Hawaii)
Ref: https://wodewangzhishime.blogspot.com/2021/07/httpswodewangzhishime_3.html
John: Take a look at it. (https://chihaukam.blogspot.com/2024/09/blog-post.html). From 2004 to 2010, every two months, Kelvin use the same hacker's package to hack me one times. Over the 6 years, Kelvin has hacked me 30 times. Each time when he hack me, I have to reinstall the windows and I have to lose all the informations on my computer. However, I guess, Kelvin is in great trouble. Why? Take a look at this article. https://wodewangzhishime.blogspot.com/2021/08/httpswodewangzhishime_89.html . Bradley say we can't use the weapons of the church again and again. If we use the weapons of the church again and again, those weapons unavoidably and eventually become our personal wealth rather than the wealth of the God.
Me: It's terrific if they become our personal wealth.
John: It's sin if they become our personal wealth, because, the earthly wealth is dirty. Only the heavenly wealth is clean. It happen in the year of 2008.
Daniel (an America's hackers): Bradley say we can't use the weapons of the church again and again. Then, why do you use the weapons of the church to hack John again and again.
Kelvin is so angry and pat on the desk top and scream,
Kelvin: You ask Bradley to fuck off. Those weapons are my personal wealth rather than the wealth of the God. It is my personal hatred against John. I love to use those weapons to hack John again and again. Nobody can stop me.
John: The matter hasn't finished yet.
Me: How?
John: One day of 2008,
Mr. Ho (a legal personnels of Hong Kong): John complain about being hacked again and again. How do I response?
Daniel (an America's hackers): I just repeat the words of Kelvin. Don't condemn me. Kelvin say to me "Those weapons is my personal wealth rather than the wealth of the God and it is my personal hatred against John and I love to use those weapons to hack John again and again. Nobody can stop him". So, you just say that to John.
Mr. Ho: I've got it.
Charles: Take a look . https://wodewangzhishime.blogspot.com/2021/07/httpswodewangzhishime_3.html . The fire of the bay of Hawaii is done by you. Why is the mortality so high?
Bradley: It's pretty simple. I should avoid from using the weapon of the church again and again. If I use the weapons of the church again and again, those weapons unavoidably and eventually become my personal wealth rather than the wealth of our God. Therefore, I mean to use the weapon for one times only. To make the most of the use of this scarced occassion, I genocide as many pagans as possible. Therefore, I encircle the residential area of the bay of Hawaii by the fire. I let the residents of the Bay have no way to escape. Consequently, the mortality is so high.
Charles: To avoid the weapons from being our personal wealth.
Bradley: Yes,. We should use those weapons for one times only.
Charles: However, if those weapons become our wealth, we succeed.
Bradley (shaking head): No,. it's sin. Why? Because, the heavenly wealth is clean and the earthly wealth is dirty.
Charles: However, Kelvin insist "Those weapons is his personal wealth and it is his personal hatred against John and he love to use those weapons to hack John again and again.".
Bradley: Kelvin wanna occupy those weapons.
Charles: In the story of 5 loaf 2 fish, Jesus never occupy any earthly food. Jesus whole-heartedly dedicate the food to the hungry disciples. Why?.
Bradley: Creator isn't interested in occupying the earthly food. Only the consumer rush to occupy the food of the earth. Why? Because, the consumer is incapable of creating the food himself.
Charles: Kelvin isn't capable of creating those hacker's packages himself. Kelvin is just a greedy consumer who wanna occupy the wealth of the earth.
Bradley: Correct.
Charles: Kelvin is extremely greedy, incapable and secular.
Bradley: How do we handle him?
Charles: Murder him.
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