sequential (99) mov object value




Me: The following 4 articles mention how fields work in RAM. . They are very important. . Why ?? I answer you later. . Maybe,you can read them first.






Me: We deep inside the theme of today. . There're 6 fields inside a register. . They're the fields of Subject, Role, interrupt status, value's type, object and Value. The field of Value is at the last position. Why?? Because, the field of Value is left shift forbiden.

John: The fields of Subject,Role,interrupt,value's type and object are left/right shift bilateral. Only, the field of value is right shift unilateral. .Why isn't the field of value allowed to left shift ??

Me: If the field of value can left shift, it will affect or alter the contents of the field of object.


I use (((Mov object, value))) as an example.  <--- In C++, it is (((int object = value )));


Originally, it is

(((Mov register_a, value))) <--- Note: in C++, it is (((int register_a = value;)))

Me: If the field of value can be left shift, the contents of the field of object will be affected and altered. . It become,

(((Mov register_b, value))), <--- Note: In C++, it is (((int register_b = value;)))



Now, you know how hacking work.
