sequential (64) fields
Me: I instantly quote an example. . .We have a code of MOV R4, R1. .
Inside the the Register of R4, there're 6 fields.
1) Subject [R1]
2) Role [Master]
3) Interrupt Status [system clock line]
4) Type of value [Words] <--- First round. . R1 will Check if the type of value is words.
5) Object [R4] <---- First round. .R1 will Check if there is a register called R4 in the cache.
6) Value [0101.1000]
There is a vector table next to the modulator. . .This table is cache.
Inside the cache, there're 6 fields.
1) Subject [R4] <------ First round checking, pass.
2) Role [pending]
3) Interrupt status [pending]
4) Value type [Words] - - First round checking, pass
5) Object [pending]
6) value[pending] <--- Second round. Set the value
Me: If the first round checking doesn't pass, there is no second round setting. During the 2nd round setting, R4 set the value of R1
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