sequential (90) stack overflow



Me: Here, we mention stack overflow. . You may read this article first. . . I assume I have a 4 bits counter. . Originally, the 4 bits counter is 1-1-1-1.
if (4 bits counter = 0-0-0-0)

Mov object, value.



John: During one Up cycle, if I input 0-0-0-0 to R1, what happen??
Me: The result is always 0-1-1-1. . You can never achieve 0-0-0-0. .
John: So, how do I achieve 0-0-0-0??
input 0 to R1
clear (or down cycle)
input 0 to R1
clear (or down cycle)
input 0 to R1
clear (or down cycle)
input 0 to R1
clear (or down cycle)
