
Showing posts from June, 2022

sequential (46) no realistic serial circuit (inverter)

Image . . Ref: . . . . . John: There're 2 pictures above. They are the circuit of inverter. . Me: OK. . John: Which one is correct? Me: Logically, the 1st picture is correct. John: Why? Me: I show it to you in code. John: OK. . If (input side = Up cycle) { NPN = UP cycle and NPN = saturated. PNP = UP cycle and PNP = cut off. The output = 0. } . John: You're wrong. The 2nd picture is correct also. Me: Why? John: I show it to you in code. Me: OK. . If ( input side = Up cycle ) { NPN = Up cycle and NPN = saturated. PNP = Down cycle and PNP = saturated. The output = 1 or 0 } . Me: When the input side is Up cycle, the gate of PNP is down cycle? It is impossible. John: It is possible. Take a look at this article ( ). . Me: OK. I assume that it is possible. T

sequential (30) shift direction

Image . Ref: . . . There're 5 conditions on which left or right shift doesn't work. . 1) The latch is being preset and clear. 2) The latch is feedbacking. 3) The latch is being level-trigger. 4) The flip flops is at the stage of toggling. 5) The commutator is idle (no up , no down) . This picture is just my own design. . If the commutator is at 1, NPN is saturated,right shift is available. . If the commutator is at 0, PNP is saturated,left shift is available. . Me: Now, we mention condition_4. . The commutator is idle. . No Up cycle. . No Down cycle. . John: In this case, no right shift. . No left shift.

sequential (64) fields

Image . Ref: . . . Me: I instantly quote an example. . .We have a code of MOV R4, R1. .  . Inside the the Register of R4, there're 6 fields. 1) Subject [R1] 2) Role [Master] 3) Interrupt Status [system clock line] 4) Type of value [Words] <--- First round. . R1 will Check if the type of value is words. 5) Object [R4] <---- First round. .R1 will  Check if there is a register called R4 in the cache. 6) Value [0101.1000] === There is a vector table next to the modulator. . . This table is cache. Inside the cache, there're 6 fields. . 1)  Subject [R4] <------ First round checking, pass. 2) Role [pending] 3) Interrupt status [pending] 4) Value type [Words] - - First round checking, pass 5) Object [pending] 6) value[pending] <--- Second round. Set the value . Me: If the first round checking doesn't pass, there is

sequential (36) voltage common and different mode

Image . Ref:     . . Me: The "black dot" indicate the direction of the flow of the current. . In the upper picture, circuit A and B have same direction of the flow of the current . As a result, the resistance of both circuit is high. John: But, in the lower picture, circuit A and circuit B have different direction of the flow of the current. . As a result, the resistance of both circuit is low. . If (direction of current flow = same) {  resistance of the circuit = high; }   else if (direction of current flow = different) {  resistance of the circuit = low; }

sequential (57) - line of power source (3)

Image . Ref: .  . . John: There're many type of communication's protocol . You might have a look . .  Me: Yes,. John: For example, RJ45, I2C, USB, SPI, RS232, so on and on. Me: OK. John: Before we start, you should read the 3 articles below. Me: OK. . 1) 2) 3) . John: We use the protocol of SPI as an example. Me: OK. John: Look at the picture above. Me: OK. John: The slave use the clock line of the master. Me: OK. John: Normally, the master choose the clock line of SPI. Because, it is a protocol of SPI. . Me: OK. . John: However, hacker hack it. It Become, . Subject [Master's regi

sequential (58) Line of power source (2)

Image . Ref: . . . John: Before we start, you may read this article ( ). This artices is about chosen line of power source. Me: OK. John: After that, you may read those 3 articles below. Me: OK. . 1) 2) 3) . John: Now we start. Me: OK. John: I assume that there is a general register. This register choose 010. What sort of line is 010? Me: It may be a clock line . It may be a line of power source. John: How do you distinguish between them? . 1) If it is a line of power source, the direction of current flow is unilateral.  2) If it is a clock line, the direction of cur

sequential (44) no realistic serial circuit (the current lead the voltage)

Image . Ref:  . . . . . 1) In a capacitor, the current lead the voltage 2) In an inductor, the voltage lead the current. . . John: See this article first. ( ) .  Me: OK. . John: This article ( ) mention about how dangerous the carrier wave is. . Me: This article ( ) mention about that if R0(1) is unstable and become a gap, a new register may appear. . John: However, carrier wave is high frequency. Normally, the carrier wave will be discarded. Look at the 1st picture. There is a capacitor. The wave of high frequency go through the capacitor and then enter the ground. Only the message wave is left. The message wave is low frequency. . Me

sequential (27) No realistic serial circuit

Image . Ref: . . . . John: This article ( ) mention about that there isn't any realistic serial circuit in the monde. . Me: OK. . John: This 2 articles ( ) ( ) are chemistry. You may read them first. . Me: OK. . == . John: OK. We start this article. There're 2 pictures  above. Which picture is logical ? . Me: The "upper" picture is logical. Because, point A and point B are on the Up cycle. The "lower" picture is illogical. Because, point A is on the Up cycle, Point B is on the down  cycle. . John: You're wrong. Both picture is logical.

sequential (55) chosen clock line (with load/shift line)

Image . Ref:  . .    . . . . We go through it step by step. The first picture. . if (starting and ending point = 00[0]) { chosen clock line = system clock line. } . The second step. . We compare the second and third picture. . At that moment, the chosen clock line is at up cycle. .At that moment, . If (parallel input designed inverter = true) { parallel input = true; } else {serial input = true;} . . OK. . Now, we go to the third step. . This step is comparatively complicating . . Look at the fourth picture. . There's a  (( parallel input designed inverter )) at the starting and ending points. . The interrupt line create a signal of 11[ 0 ] at the starting point.  I guess you know what [0] mean. . 1) When [0], the chosen clock line is system clock line. 2) The chosen clock line is Up cycle. 3) When [0] enter the (( Cross over box )), the PNP triodes are s

learning and teaching (36) - Brazil aircrash . Ref: . Have a look . . If the bishops eucharistize, the followers should eucharistize too. .   Have a look.  . 200 people died in an aircrash in Brazil. . Bradley: Have a look . . Is it a church?? Charles: Yes, Bradley: Is our religion cult?? Charles: Yes, Bradley: Are we bishops?? Charles: Yes, Bradley: If we eucharistize, what should the followers do?? Charles: They should eucharistize too. . Bradley: Good. . Now, we murder 200 people, what should the followers do??