
Showing posts from March, 2022

sequential (32) Real interrupt

Image . Ref: . . . John: In the above picture, R0(0), R0(2), R0(4) are on the parallel clock line. <--- Note: We can call it process clock line. Me: However, R0(1), R0(3) are on the serial input clock line. John: Yes,. Me: In code, how do we interpret it? . for (int i=0; i<10; i++) // R0(0) output bits by bits. { R0(3) [i] = i; // R0(3) input bit by bit. } . John: When R0(1) and R0(3) are on the serial input clock line, we call that real interrupt. Me: That mean, when the register isn't on the process clock line, it is on the serial input clock line. John: To some extent, "Yes".  This article ( ) mention about how the  fields work. Or, we can intepret it in this way. . Subject [R0(1)] Interrupt status [ serial input clock line ] Object [R0(21)] Role [Mas...

sequential (9) set/preset

Image . Ref: .    . When I input 0 to the preset and 1 to the clear, this flip flops is preset to be Q=1, -Q=0. . When a register is registered, when no input is input, we must set the status. . When we register a register, this register can't be at the stage of toggling. . .It must be either Q=1 -Q=0 or Q=0 -Q=1.

learning and teaching (39) (Ebola virus) . Ref:  . . John: Have a look . . Over 10,000 pagans died from Ebola. Is Ebola an infectable virus? Me: No, it isn't. It's just a poison. John: Excellent. From 2004 to 2008, Kelvin use the same poison to kill my dogs for 10 times. Me: 10 times? John: Yes,. Me: You guess what happen? . . Kelvin: Hold these poison. You use them to kill the dogs of John again. Miss Wong (a spy from Hong Kong): You kill the dogs of John for 5 times already. It is the 6 times. Kelvin: So what? Miss Wong: Have a look.  . Those poisons are used to murder the pagans rather than the dogs. . Kelvin look at the sky and say in a manner of self-esteem, . Kelvin: Those chemistry weapons are my own wealth rather than the wealth of the God. I...

sequential (41) The function of a modulator (4)

Image . . Ref: . . John: Before we start, you may read this article ( ).  Me: OK. John: Now, we look at the 1st picture. Me: OK. John: Do you see a RJ 45 circuit? Me: Yes,. I do see it. John: I inteprete it in code. . If (port A from RJ 45 = 32 bits) { MOV receiver_register, value of Port A. } . John: In this case, the register of receiver, Port A, counter, if and else must choose the clock line of RJ 45 rather than the clock line of the system. You may take a look at this article ( ). . Me: OK. . John: At the same time, all the cache of receiver, port A, if and else must choose the clock line of RJ 45 instead of the clock line of the system. Finally it become, . Subject [recei...

sequential (42) no realistic serial circuit (not and gate)

Image   . Ref: . . . . . . John: See this article. . In reality, there's no serial circuit. Me: This article mention ( ) about the importance of a gap. . John: This article ( ) mention about "which" picture is correct. . Me: OK. Now, we look at the 2nd picture. It is a circuit of "flip and flop" called R0(1). . if (the gate of Setting of R0(1) = 1 & the gate of resetting of R0(1) =0) { if (the clock line of setting of R0(1) is 1 & the clock line of resetting of R0(1) is 1)  { The output of the setting of R0(1) is false; The output of the resetting of R0(1) is true; The status of R0(1) = stable....

sequential (38) Mask interrupt

Image . Ref: . . John: This article(  ) talk about real interrupt. Me: OK. John: Now, we look at the picture above. R0(1) and R0(3) aren't on parallel input clock line. Nor are they on the serial input clock line. What do we call it? Me: We call it mask interrupt. John: In code, how do we interpret a mask interrupt? Me: Like this. . if (int i != 0)  { R0(1) is at the stage of "Mask Interrupt". That mean, R0(1) isn't on the serial input clock line. Nor is it on the parallel input clock line. } . John: This article ( ) mention about how the  fields work in "RAM". Or, we can intepret it in this way. . Subject [R0(1)] Interrupt status [Mask-interrupt] Object [R0(21)] Role [ Master ] value [0]

sequential (66) RJ45 direction of current flow

Image . Ref: . . . John: Look at the 1st picture. Port A is at the stage of very strong current flow. Meanwhile, Port B is at the stage of very weak current flow. Me: Why? John: Because, the direction of the current flow of both Port A and Port B is the same. . Note: The "black dots" of the picture above implies the direction of the current flow. You may take a look at this article. . . John: Look at the 2nd picture. If the direction of the current flow of the secondary coil is same as the direction of the current flow of the primary, the current flow of the primary coil will stop.

sequential (-7)

Image . Ref: . . Me: R0 ,R1, R2 are the physical address of the radio receivers.  . . John: The more far from the radio  emitter , the weaker the signal. . Ok. The distance between radio emitter and R1 or  R2 are samely 2 meters. Why R1's signal is much weaker than R2?? Me: Because, R1 is at 45 degree of angle. On the contrary, R2 is at 90 degree of angle. John: Ok. R1 and R0 have same signal's weakness  . How do I know where they are located ??. . The  emitter  send a signal to R0 and R1, and , wait until they echo. . 1) R0 need 3 second to echo. R0 is more far from the radio emittor. 2) R1 need 1 second to echo. R1 is more near the radio emittor.

sequential (43) No realistic serial circuit (data input)

Image Ref: . . . . John: This article ( ) mention about that there is no realistic serial circuit in the monde. . Me: OK. . John: You may read this article ( ).  . Me: OK. . John: Now, we look at the "first" picture above. Which part is correct? . Me: Normally, the part of left hand side is correct. That mean, when the data input line is on Up cyle, Gate A and Gate B are on Up cycle. . John: You're wrong. The part of right hand side is correct too. . Me: That mean, when the data input line is on Up cycle, Gate A can be on Up cycle and Gate B can be on down cycle. . John: You're correct. OK. I intepret it in code. . If (Gate A = Up cyle) { Set = 1; if (Gate B = Down cyle) { Inverter = true; ...