sequential (-7)




Me: R0 ,R1, R2 are the physical address of the radio receivers. 
John: The more far from the radio emitter, the weaker the signal. . Ok. The distance between radio emitter and R1 or R2 are samely 2 meters. Why R1's signal is much weaker than R2??
Me: Because, R1 is at 45 degree of angle. On the contrary, R2 is at 90 degree of angle.
John: Ok. R1 and R0 have same signal's weakness
 . How do I know where they are located ??.
emitter send a signal to R0 and R1, and , wait until they echo.
1) R0 need 3 second to echo. R0 is more far from the radio emittor.
2) R1 need 1 second to echo. R1 is more near the radio emittor.
