
Showing posts from July, 2021

Learning and teaching (64) (Azerbaijan) fire . Ref: . John: It happen in the year of 2007. . Mr. Ho (a legal person in Hong Kong): You hack the satellite of America. You peep at the house of John. . The elder brother of John is angry. . He come to complain about it. Kelvin (an America's hackers): You make fun of him. <----- Kelvin should murder people. Mr. Ho: It is very impolite. <---- Mr. Ho should murder people too. Kelvin: I know it. . However, do you wanna learn how to hack the satellite of America?? Mr. Ho (drool): Honestly, I'm thirsty and hungry. Kelvin: Good. . If the elder brother of John come to complain, you make fun of him. Mr. Ho: However, Bradley and Charles are murdering the pagans. I feel like that I should murder the pagans too. . Kelvin: Are you insane? Bradley and Charles are terrorists. Of course, they murder the pagans. We're just the hac

learning and teaching (63) (cyprus aircrash) . Ref: . . John: . . If the bishop eucharistize, what should the followers do? Me: They should eucharistize too. . John: Those articles < > mention about "Clock line choosing". Me: OK. John: See what happen? . While (network IC is working) { int i = airplane mode; <---- choose the clock line of flying mode; int j = wifi mode; <---- choose the clock line of wifi mode; } . Kelvin : I hack John's computer. I let John's wifi mode be disabled. . <---- Kelvin should murder people. <-- That mean John's clock line of wifi doesn't work. Daniel: Don't do that. Bradley is murdering the pagans. We should murder the pagans. <--- Daniel should murder people. Kelv

learning and teaching (73) 5 loaf 2 fish (the fire of Hawaii) . Ref: . . John: Take a look at this article ( ). From 2004 to 2010, every two months, Kelvin use the same hacker's package to hack me one times.  Me: Over the 6 years,  Kelvin has hacked you 30 times. John: Yes,. Each time when he hack me, I have to reinstall the windows and I have to lose all the informations on my computer.  Me: Oh! shits. John: However, I guss, Kelvin is in great trouble. Me: Why? John:  Take a look at this article. . . Bradley say we can't use the weapons of the church again and again.  Me: Why not? John: If we use the weapons of the church again and again, those weapons unavoidably and eventually become our personal wealth rather than the wealth of the God.  Me: It's terrific if they be

learning and teaching (43) (Gaza hospital) . Ref: . John: Look. . If the bishops eucharistize, what should the followers do? Me: Eucharistize too. John: Excellent. . Kelvin click a button, and then, the database of the public hospital of Hong Kong appear. . Kelvin point to a line of records. This line of records is about Mr. M.  . Kelvin say,  Kelvin: This person is Mr. M. . You see that clearly ?? Mr. Chong(a doctor of the public hospital of Hong Kong):Yes,  Kelvin: He has close contact with John. Mr. Chong: How do you know? Kelvin: I have a hacker's map which is based on the physical address of a person's SIM Card. I trace the whereabouts of John. John always go to Mr. M's place. Tomorrow,   Mr. M will come to the hospital. . He will sit here. . You pass by him, and, you humiliate him

learning and teaching (30) (Las Vegas gun shooting)

Image . Ref: . . John:Have a look. .If the bishop Eucharistize, what should the followers do? Me: Eucharistize too. John: Terrific. There're plenty hackers in America. However, all of them are just shits, piss and trash.  Me: Are they? John: Yes, they are. The only hacker whom I respect is Bradley. Me: Why do you respect him? John: Read the followings. [ ] . The gun shooting in Las Vegas. . Bradley (the bishop of the church of the Yandelists): Here is a hacker's map.  Stephen: OK. Bradley: I wonder what is the usage of it. Stephen: No hestitate.  Bradley: What's up ? Stephen: For sure. Genociding as many  the pagans as possible. . Kelvin (an America's hackers): Look at this hacker'

sequential (-3) . Ref: . Me: A program is running in the server by a set of registers. . John: Those registers play the role of memory. 1) Sometimes, hackers add a registers. 2) Sometimes, hackers delete a registers. 3) Sometimes, hackers enable a registers. 4) Sometimes, hackers disable a registers.. Me: We call add/delete/enable/disable as hacker's trick. . .If the hacker's trick is on the running-programme of the Memory, we re-install the software, everythings resume normal. John: If the hacker's trick is on the sotware-installer of the harddisk, you re-install the software, the hacker's trick is still on.

learning and teaching (34) (Mumbai explosion)

Image . Ref: . . . John: Look at this article. . If the bishops eucharistize, what should the followers do? Me: Eucharistize too. . John: Gorgeous. Let me explain the picture above. Me: Feel free. John: Good. If there isn't any blood-shed or if there is little blood-shed, the bishops of the church of the Yandelists may request Miss Lam "You pretend to be a fool". However, Me: What? John: If there is large blood-shed, would the bishops request Miss Lam "You pretend to be a fool"? . Me (shaking head): If there is large blood-shed, the bishops wouldn't request Miss Lam to pretend to be a fool. If there is large blood-shed, the bishops would request Miss Lam "You're gonna murder the pagans.". . John: Who is Miss Lam? Me: Let's read the a

sequential (-1)

Image . Ref:  .  . . Cache is the memory which is closest to the cpu. .  . Binding is usually one-to-one. .For example, bind (a telephone number, a physical address). . . John: However, you can do a one-to-many-broadcast binding. . 1) bind (a telephone_number, broadcast-object-1) 1) bind (a telephone_number, broadcast-object-1) 2) bind (a telephone_number, broadcast-object-2) 3) bind (a telephone_number, broadcast-object-3)

learning and teaching (47) (India aircrash) . Ref: . John:  . . If the bishops eucharistize, what should the followers do??  Me: They should eucharistize too. . John: Excellent. Indeed, there're plenty hackers in America. However, most of them are shits. The only America's hacker whom I respect is Bradley.  . Me: Why do you respect Bradley? John: After the explosion of London ( ), Bradley say in a high-profile manner that it is done by Al Qaeda. Let me ask you a question. What sort of organization is Al Qaeda? . Me: A group of terrorists. . John: Excellent. Terrorists never warn the pagans. Terrorists kill the pagans directly. . Me: You're correct . You just imagine. If Bradley "had" warned the Londoners, the death toll would

sequential (-8)

Image . Ref: . . . John: How does firewall know that you're socketing?? . if (buffer_zone = = "set")  { socket_set (); }  else if (buffer_zone == "cleared")  { socket_clear(); } . Me: There is an I/O port in your machine. . This I/O port is just a register. . .There is a buffer zone specially for this register. . If buffer zone is set , that mean, you're socketing. . John: If buffer zone is cleared, that mean, you're not socketing. . Me: Yes, That's the way which the firewall know that we're socketing. .

learning and teaching (1) Sweeden fire . . Have a look . . If the bishop eucharistize, the followers should eucharistize too. . . Me: See. . .1998, A disco in Sweeden was on flame. . 70 patrons were murdered. . Charles (an America's hackers): See .  . . Daniel said, hacker's tool is for education. Albert (another America's hackers): No, hacker's tool is for massacre. Charles: Is John an example being hacked?? Albert: No, John must be a pagan being genocided. Charles: Can I be a professor?? Albert: No, you must be a priest. Charles: Can it be educational and atheism?? Albert: No, it must be spiritual and religious. Charles: Can it be a lecture?? Albert: No, it must be a sermon. Charles: Excellent. . .Tomorrow, notice th

sequential (-4)

Image . Ref: . . . . While (a DNR-host running) { Socket () { Bind ("", "123.132") // Hackers send an electronic virus here to change it into Bind ("","111.111") } } . John: I have a web account in Hong Kong Jockey Club.  Last time, Mr. Z gave me a tips that horse-number-four of the second match of the date of 6-6-2020 would win.  He reminded me , "Never forget it".  That day, i was so busy. .Therefore,  I always forgot about it. However, 5 min before the match kicked off, I suddenly remembered it.  So, i used the internet explorer to click ( ), Me: You wanted to use the web page to put a bet. John: Yes, but, t he server of the Hong Kong Jockey Club always return, {Our web site is under contruction} Me: Is it real,??, John: No, it's just  trick made

sequential (4)

Image . Ref: .   . Me: When I delete a software in (Microsoft), the (operation chip) said, "the program is running in the memory, please, first, stop the program in the memory " . Where is the memory ?? . John: The CPU itself has its memory. . .We call that Cache . The additional RAM has memory as well .  The additional RAM is far away from the CPU. . As a result, they run slower than the Cache of the CPU. . if (the register = true) { the program = running(); } else  { the program = stop(); }