sequential (93) delay circuit




1) About stack overflow,

2) Look at the 1st and 2nd pictures.
Note: The inverter delay the fow of current.
The speed of the flow of current of line one is slower than the speed of the flow of current of line two.

3) When the combination is npn-pnp, the up cycle is at the falling edge. 
4) Look at the 3rd picture. 
John: When you input 3-2-1-4 to the gate of R1 during one up cycle, indeed, only 3 has the combination of NPN and PNP. .   And then, 2-1-4 are discarded.

3. npn pnp

2. npn npn (discarded)

1. npn npn (discarded)

4. pnp npn (discarded)

John: Look at the last picture. . It is a RJ45 circuit. . .During an Up cycle, there're 3-2-1-4.
Me: Indeed, Port A only input with 3. . .And then, 2-1-4 are discarded. . Why ??
John: Because, only "3" comply with the combination of NPN-PNP.
