sequential (77) ESR Equivalent Series Resistor





John: ESR stand for Equivalent series resistor.
Me: OK.
John: The picture above show us that in a "capacitor", the higher the resistance, the lower the frequency-response of the capacitor. The lower the resistance, the higher the frequency-response of the capacitor.
Me: Why?
if (EMF = no change) // EMF stand for electromotive force.

if (ESR = low)
Current = high;
charge seperation = high.
if (ESR = high)
Current = low;
charge seperation = low.
John: The higher the resistane, the lower the current flow. As a result, the charge seperation of a "capacitor" is low. And then, the frequency-response of the capacitor is low. However, the inductor is different. 
Me: How ?
John: In a inductor, the higher the resistance, the higher the frequency-response of the inductor. The lower the resistance, the lower the frequency-response of the inductor.
Me: Why?
John: Because, the higher the resistance, the lower the current flow. As a result, the coercivity and hysterisis of the circuit are low. Therefore, the frequency-response of an inductor is high. You might take a look at it . .
Me: OK.
John: Lastly, you may take a look at this article ( ).
