sequential (77) Smoothing capacitor






Me: The above picture is an electrical induction. . .There is a "break" between each electrical induction.


John: If there is a break, the direct current isn't continuous.


Me: Correct. .  The direct current isn't continuous.


John: So, we need a smoothing capacitor. . 

Me: Smoothing capacitor store the power by charging himself. . . When there is a break between two inductions , the smoothing capacitor release a power by discharging himself.


Me: So, on the lines, the direct current is always continuous and no break .


John: Correct. . However, if the break is too long, if the capacitor doesn't have enough storing power, the break can't be filled.


Me: As a result, the direct current can't be continuous , and, there is a break.


John: Take a look at this article.


Me: OK.


John: Look at the third picture. . There're three case. . Case one, two, and, three. . In case one and two, the smoothing capacitor is still capable of smoothing the break. 

Me: OK.


John: However, in case three, the smoothing capacitor isn't capable of continuing the current . . Because, the break is too long and the smoothing capacitor doesn't have enough "stock of power" to discharge.. .


Me: Can we increase the "stock of charging" of the capacitor??


John: A capacitor is just like a chargeable battery. . It has his own "stock of charging". . It is fixed, set, and, it can't be changed. .


Me: Oh! My God. 
