learning and teaching (31) Malaysia aircrash

Ref: https://wodewangzhishime.blogspot.com/2021/07/httpswodewangzhishime_65.html


John: I guess many people condemn Bradley. However, I retreat.

Me: Why do you retreat?

John: Let me tell you a story first.

Me: Feel free.

John: Aahan is a millionaire in Delhi. Chahat is his dearest son. They're Buddhist. One day, Aahan say to Chahat "My dearest son. The money is hard to earn. Don't messily spend them". Does those words imply that Chahat is permitted to dine "Beef"?

Me: I guess not.

John: Why not?

Me: Money is secular. Religion is sacred. Money is one thing. Religion is another thing.

John: Excellent. One day, Chahat goes to the most luxury restaurant of beef called "Jimasu" in Tokyo. Did he commit the crime of spending money messily?

Me: Messily spending money is a secondary crime. The primary crime which he commit is apostasy.

John: Why?

Me: The main point isn't whether he went to a luxury or cheap restaurant. The main point is that he dine beef. Therefore, the primary crime which he commit is apostasy.


From the point of view of the father of Chahat, "Yes", the primary crime which Chahat commit is spending the money messily. .However, from the point of view of Buddhism, the primary crime which Chahat commit is apostasy.


John: Kelvin and Daniel are Yandelists. Yandelism is a religion. Have a look . https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pulse_nightclub_shooting , after the gun shooting in Orlando, Bradley time after time emphasize that It is done by religious extremists.

Me:Time after time?

John: Yes,. One day, Kelvin gave a hacker's package to his dearest son.

Me: Who's Kelvin's dearest son?

John: Daniel. This package can hack the telecom. Mrs. U is my friend. Mrs. U sell the non-tax cigarette to me. One day, Daniel click a button. And then, whenever I call Mrs. U, I will receive a response "The number you've dialed is suspended". You guess what happen?

Me: What?


Kelvin: My dearest Son. Don't use this package to hack John solely. <---- As if Aahan say to Chahat "Don't messily spend the money".

Daniel: Why not?

Kelvin: The principles of hacking the telecom 80% resemble the principles of hacking the Malaysia's airplane (https://chihaukam.blogspot.com/2023/08/look-at-this-articles.html) . <--- As if Aahan saying to Chahat  "the money is hardly earned.".

Daniel (stunned): 70% resemble the principles of hacking the airplane of Malaysia?

Kelvin: Yes,.


John: If Chahat is born in a poor family, is he able to messily spend the money?

Me: No,

John: Does the words of "never hacking John alone" imply that Daniel can be exempted from killing the pagans?

Me: Neither does it imply that.

John: Why not?

Me: Killing the pagans is sacred. Hacking everyone is secular

John: So?

Me: So, from the point of view of Kelvin, "Yes", the primary crime which Daniel commit is that Daniel didn't hack everyone. Daniel solely hack John. However,

John: However, what?

Me: However, From the point of the view of the church of the Yandelists, the primary crime which Daniel commit is "Apostasy".  Because, Daniel never murder a single pagans.

John: Killing the pagans is one thing. Hacking everyone is another things.

Me: Yes,.


Daniel: OK. I solely hack John. I make a mistake. I remedy.  I'm gonna hack everybody. 

Kelvin: The main point isnt that you solely hack John or that you hack everybody. The main point is that you didn't murder the pagans.

Daniel: However, you're my father. Aren't you? From the point of view of you, my primary crime is that I didn't hack everyone.


Kelvin: From Aahan's point of view, the primary crime of Chahat is going to a luxury restaurant. Howev, from Buddhist's point of view, the primary crime of Chahat is dinning beef.

Daniel: What do you mean?

Kelvin: Have a look. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pulse_nightclub_shooting. 60 pagans died in the shooting in Orlando. Bradley remind us time after time of that killing the pagans is a religious belief.  So, from the point of view of the church of the Yandelists, your primary crime is that you fail to murder the pagans.



Chahat: Father. Please let me be exempted from dinning pork. I'm your dearest son.

Aahan (a millionares in New Dehli): If I let you be exempted, I betray Buddhism too.


Daniel: Father. Please let me be exempted from killing the pagans. I'm your dearest son.

Kelvin (a millionare in New York): If you're exempted, I'm apostasy too.



Fiona is a mother of the victims in the shooting in Orlando.

Mr. Jian is a father of the victims of aircrash of the Malaysia's airplane.


Mr. Jian: My dearest daughter die in the aircrash of Malaysia's airplane.

Fiona: My dearest son die in the shooting in Orlando.

Mr. Jian: However, Kelvin's dearest son is still alive.

Fiona: It's so unfair to us.

Mr. Jian: How do we handle them?

Fiona: Murder them.
