learning and teaching (69) (Taiwan aircrash) (one) (gun-shoot in Russia)


Ref: https://wodewangzhishime.blogspot.com/2021/11/httpswodewangzhishime_20.html


John: Have a look . https://kamchihau.blogspot.com/2022/08/blog-post.html . Kelvin advise Mr. Mao to kill Mr. Wong only. 

Me: Only?

John: Yes,.

Me: Then, Who is Mr. Mao?

John: A doctor from the hospital of Hong Kong.

Me: Who is Mr. Wong? .

John: Mr. Wong is my friend.  However, why is only Mr. Wong victimized ?  There should be millions victims in Hong Kong. 

Me: Kelvin say "The death of Mr.  Wong is a good earthly exampleI "generoulsy" create it . In this example, you guys learn how to hack a web site, learn how to hack the telecom, and, learn how to use the poison. Do you guys thank me? "


Me: It is ridiculous. Take a look at it. (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/China_Airlines_Flight_611) . Bradley can hack an airplane of Taiwan. The techniques of hacking of Bradley is very high. Bradley doesn't need Kelvin to give him any earthly example. Yandelism is a religion.  What Bradley need Kelvin to do is to fullfil the heavenly obligations.

John: What's heavenly obligtions?

Me: To Genocide as many heathens as possible.


Charles (the bishops of the church of the Yandelists): Have a look. (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crocus_City_Hall_attack) . I kiĺl 150 people in the city hall of Russia. It is a Godly obligation. You only kill Mr. Wong. It is not enough. You must kill 150 people at least.

Kelvin: At least.

Charles (insist): Yes,.

Kelvin: The death of Mr. Wong is a "good" "earthly" example. Why should I kill many many people?

Charles: Bradley and me can hack an airplane. Your hacking technqiues is just a small potatoes in our eyes.  We don't need you to Create any earthly example. Yandelism is a religion. So, You Go to murder 150 people "at least". . 


One day, Kelvin stand straight on the podium of the hall of the church of the Yandelists.


Kelvin: My dearest student. The death of Mr. Wong is a good "earthly" example. In this "earthly" example, you guys learn how to hack a web site, the telecom and how to use the poison. Do you thank me?

The staff of the hospital: Yes, we thank you.

Kelvin: However, Charles insist that I'm shits. Charles ask me fullfil the Godly obligation by killing 150 people at least.

The staff of the hospital: You can ignore Charles. Charles is shits. 

Kelvin: Excellent. In your eyes, what is Yandelism?

The staff of the hospital: In our eyes, Yandelism is a country policy.  You and us are alliances. 

Kelvin: Good.

The staff of the hospital. You generously give us an "earthly" example of being killed. You're great. 

Kelvin: Thank..


John: The hacking techiques of Bradley and Charles is so high that they can hack an airplane. Therefore, Bradley and Charles don't need Kelvin to give them any earthly example. Bradley and Charles just need Kelvin to fullfil the heavenly obligation by genociding as many pagans as possible.

Me: However, the hacking techniques of staff of the hospitals is so low. Are those staffs able to hack a web site?

John: No, they aren't able to.

Me: Are those staff able to hack the telecom?

John: Neither.

Me: Of course, those staff need Kelvin to give them a "earthly" example.

John: However, is the death of Mr. Wong a good earthly example?

Me: No,. It isn't.


1) The staff of the hospital commit the crime of learning from an "earthly" example provided by Kelvin. The staff of the hospital commit the crime of failling in the "heavenly" obligations.


2) Kelvin commit the crime of creating an "earthly example". Kelvin commit the crime of failling in "heavenly" obligations.


Charles: Have a look. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crocus_City_Hall_attack . 150 people were killed in the city hall of Russia.  It is a heavenly obligations. However, Kelvin only kill Mr. Wong. Why?

Bradley: Kelvin say "The death of Mr. Wong is a good earthly example. I generously provide to you guys". So, Kelvin think "Why should I kill many many people ?".

Charles: Good example?

Bradley: No,.

Charles: The staff of the hospitals aren't able to hack a web site. Nor are they able to hack the telecom. Therefore, they need Kelvin to give them a dirty earthly example.  It is illegal for those staff to learn from an earthly example provided by Kelvin. Kelvin commit the crime of creating an earthly example.  At the same time, Kelvin refuse to fullfil the heavenly, Godly obligation. 


Bradley :How do we handle them?

Charles: Murder them.
