
Showing posts from October, 2021

learning and teaching (62) (Korea MTR fire) . Ref: .  Have a look. . . If the bishops eucharistize, the followers should eucharistize. . It happen in 2014. . Kelvin(an America's hackers): Look at this hacker's map. Inside it,  "we" can see John "riding bicycles to there and from here". .    <---- Kelvin should murder people. George (despise): The hacker's map is useless. <---- George should murder people too. Kelvin: Who say that ? "I" can use this hacker's map to develop an Iphone's app called "Shared bicycles". ===== Bradley (an Ameria's hackers): Have a look.  . . .It's a church of cult. . We're the bishops. . We murder 200 people. . What should Kelvin and Georg

learning and teaching (67) (Chile fire)

Image . Ref:  .  . . John: Have a look. . . If the bishops eucharistize, what should the followers do ? Me: Eucharistize too. John: Excellent. . . Daniel(an America's hackers): According to the hacker's map, it is the route where John usually pass by. . You go to the mid point of the route . And then, you place a roadblocker there. .On the roadblocker, you use a spray paint to write, "What a stupid person ! John .". <----- Daniel should murder people. Mr. Choi (a spy from Hong Kong): We humiliate John. <---- Mr. Choi should murder people too. . Daniel : So what ? Mr. Choi: Wait a minute. Bradley and Charles murder the pagans. We should murder the pagans too. Daniel: They're terrorists. Of course, they murder the pagans. Mr. Choi: Then, w

Learning and teaching (71) - (Eucharist)

Image . Ref: . . See the picture. .  If the bishop eucharistize, follower should Eucharistize too. . There's a cult in New York, the name of which is Yandelism, the idea of which is that the hacker's tool is to extirpate as many pagans as possible, the belief of which is Satan, the pursuit of which is fatality rather than survival, the style of which  is terrorism, the will of  the disciples is to genocide as many pagans as possible. . Bradley, Charles and Albert are the bishops of the church. If the bishops genocide the pagans , the followers must genocide the pagans too.

learning and teaching (19) The fire of Korea . Ref: . . In New York, there's a church which worship the religion of Yandelism, the idea of which is that hacker's tool is for massacre. . John: It occur in the year of 2004.  My  sister was going to buy the food of the dogs. Kelvin, an America's hacker, demand Miss Wong, a spy from Hong Kong, to put the poison in the food of the dogs. And then, the dogs of my sister die one by one. My house is nearby a hill .   There're electrical cables from the electricity center of Hong Kong.  One day, those cable are inflame. Me: Is the flame strong?? John (shaking head): No, .The flame wasn't strong.  It was extinguished quickly and easily. . However, Me: However, what?? . During the day of the fire, Kelvin undertake the obligation of a University professor, and then, he stand straight on a podium of a lecture hall of the ch

learning and teaching (58) Sweeden fire . Ref: . . John: Chapter 17 of the bible say hacker's tool is to murder the pagans instead of education.  In New York, there's a church which worship the religion of Yandelism, the idea of which is that hacker's tool is to murder people instead of education. Me: OK. John: Have a look. .  . It is about voltage. Me: OK. . One day, Kelvin undertake the obligation of a professor. . He stand straight on the podium of the lecture hall of the church of Yandelism.  .  1) It's false. You can't undertake the obligation of a professor. . You can only undertake the obligation of a priest .  . Kelvin (an America's hackers): My dearest students ! ! During this study's lecture, I simply use the electrical fan of John as an example. . I h

sequential (95) voltage frequency

Image . Ref:   . . John: Some household appliance need a low voltage. . Therefore, there is a transformer to lower the voltage from the power supplier. .For example, power suppliers provide 240 v. . The transformer and your household appliance have a "coil" ratio of 1:0.5. . Your household appliance should induct 120 v. . Me: You're saying normal frequency. . The lower the frequency, the higher the level of voltage. .  . John: Have a look. .  Hackers change the normal frequency into an extremely low frequency. . Therefore, the household appliance induct a very high voltage. . Therefore, the household appliance burnt. . Hackers 1) Hack the power supplier . 2) Change the normal frequency into an extremely low frequency. 3) The household appliance induct a very high voltage. 4)

learning and teaching (18) (the explosion of Uganda) 5 loaf and 2 fish . Ref: . John: Have a look. . At this article, Bradley say " If we use the weapons of the church again and again, unavoidably and eventually, they become our own wealth rather than the wealth of our God. Therefore, we can use the weapons for one times only.  As a pious disciple, we should make the most of the use of this occassion and genocide as many pagans as possible. ". . Me: OK. John: Have a look . . Why the explosion occur at  Ruby club at that time? Me: Because, at that time, there are full of people at the Ruby club.. John: That mean the culprit wait until the day of world cup final and then detonate the bombs at the Ruby club. Because, at that time , the Ruby club is  full of people. Me

learning and teaching (2) Russia night club fire

Image . Ref: . . . Have a look. .  In New York, there's a church, the name of which is Yandelism, the belief of which is Satan. . One day, Kelvin, as a professor, stand on the podium of the hall of the church.  . 1) No, Kelvin must be a priest. . He can't be a professor. . Kelvin: My dearest students.  [ They must be the most pious disciples.. They can't be the dearest students. ] . During this lecture, I use the electrical fans of John as an example. [ No, it isn't a lecture. . It's a sermon ] [ John isn't an example being hacked. . John must be a pagans being massacred. ]. I hack the power station of Hong Kong. . I change the wave-form of the alternate current. . I let the electrical fan of John be on for a while and off for a w

sequential (81) motor

Image . Ref: . . . 1) if the circuit is inductor-orientated, the voltage lead the current. 2) if the circuit is capacitor-orientated, the current lead the voltage. . 3) If we put a capacitor or resistor on the circuit of the "stator", the magnetic flux of the stator will drop, as a result, the the current lead the voltage, and then, the rotor rotate faster. . .We call that field weakening control or flux control. . . Me: Pratically, we use resistors instead of capacitors to control flux. . Have a look. . T1,2,3,4 represents transistors 1, 2, 3, 4, R1,2,3,4 represents resistors 1,2,3,4, . if (T1,2,3,4 = cut-off) // Note: We can't manually control the on/off of those transistors; { Level of resistance = 4; //Note: the transistors are controlled by integrated circuit/ Speed of Rotor = 4; } else   if (T2,3,4 = cut-off) { Level of

learning and teaching (31) Malaysia aircrash . Ref: . John: I guess many people condemn Bradley. However, I retreat. Me: Why do you retreat? John: Let me tell you a story first. Me: Feel free. John: Aahan is a millionaire in Delhi. Chahat is his dearest son. They're Buddhist.  One day, Aahan say to Chahat " My dearest son. The money is hard to earn. Don't messily spend them ". Does those words imply that Chahat is permitted to dine "Beef"? Me: I guess not. John: Why not? Me: Money is secular. Religion is sacred. Money is one thing. Religion is another thing. John: Excellent. One day, Chahat goes to the most luxury restaurant of beef called "Jimasu" in Tokyo. Did he commit the crime of spending money messily? Me: M essily spending money is a secondary crime. The primary crime which he commit is apostasy. John: Why? Me: The main point isn't