
Showing posts from July, 2022

sequential (31) network provider vs power supplier

Image . Ref: . . . John: OK. . Now, I create a parallel input of 0101. . Me: 0101 is a direct current (dc). . .  John : Correct. This direct current must be from the power supplier. . This direct current can't be from the network provider. . Me: ok.   I assume that there is serial input . This input is a direct current too.  This direct current is from network providers . . John: Correct.

sequential (59) Line of power source (4)

Image . Ref:   . . John: Before we start, you're better read the 3 articles below. Me: OK. . 1) 2) 3) . John: In the monde, there're plenty protocol of communications. You might have a look . . Me: OK. John: For example, RJ45, I2C, USB, SPI, and, so on and on. Me: OK. John: Now, we use I2C as an example. Me: OK. . John: At the picture above, do you see that there're 2 chips? They are Chip A and Chip B. Me: yes,. John: They use the interface of I2C to connect to each others. Me: OK. John: Chip A is master. Chip B is slave. That mean Chip B must use the clock line of Chip A. Me: