
Showing posts from May, 2022

learning and teaching (7) london fire . Ref: . Have a look . If the bishop eucharistize,  the followers should Eucharistize too.  . Daniel (an America's hackers): Look at the camera. . It hack the satellite of America. .  Don't you see that John  is riding bicycles ??.. He doesn't wear helmet. . Tomorrow, you show this video to your colleagues and you say to them, "We must legislate that people riding bicycles must wear helmet". <---- Daniel should murder people. Mr. Cheung (a legislative councilor of Hong Kong): However, hacking the America's satellite is illegal. . <---  Mr. Cheung should go to murder people. . Daniel looks at the sky and laugh in a self-esteem manner . Daniel: So what ?  You can use legislation as an excuse to learn the hacker's techniques. .

sequential (60) - chemistry

Image . Ref:    .   . Note: Ceremic Resistor is poleless. .  . Me: Ceremic resistor has 2 layers. . Valance layer and conductive layer. John: Valance layer can't conduct because it has no pi bonding. .You can also say that it has no delocalize electrons. 1)  The thicker the valance layer, the higher the resistance. 2) The thiner the valance layer, the lower the resistance.

sequential (29) network provider vs power supplier

Image . Ref: . . . Me: Chip A , B and C are within a device. . . John :Only Chip A need to make a choice between the network provider and the power supplier.  .  .Of course, the choice is made by a pairs of public capacitors. .  . Me: Chip B and Chip C have no choice. . That mean, the direct current of Chip B and Chip C must be from the power supplier.